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Via the online time recording, messages can be sent to the responsible superiors or small corrections can be made by the staff members themselves.

  1. Geben Sie über die Schaltfläche Weitere Aktionen > Bemerkung eingeben eine kurze Mitteilung ein, die in der Übersicht der erfassten Arbeitszeiten erscheint.
    Ex: the reason for a delay
  2. Correct the time for the last changeover between break time and working time yourself via Further actions > Change time of last action . Actions other than the last one cannot be changed independently.
  3. Bestätigen Sie mit Senden.
    Example: You have forgotten to log back in from the break. At 13:30, select Continue work, then go to Change time of last action and enter: "New time 13:15" and an explanation.
  4. By tapping on the button History at the bottom left, you can see all actions that were triggered within the working time.