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Bp Event 12

Version 12 offers you many new options that will make your daily work easier. Below you will find many useful tips for familiarising yourself with version 12. You can also view the links to other manual articles, the videos for the digital user conference and other tutorials on YouTube .

  • New structure of the Administration pages

    The administrative settings interface has been reorganised and is now better and more clearly structured. A new feature is the option to search for the setting options or field labels using the matchcode search at the top left.

  • Nesting item group packages

    With version 12, article group packages can be merged or nested for a better overview. In the Administration administrative settings under artikel Articles select a package and insert any article group packages via neu Insert package in package . Double-click on a package that has already been inserted to split it into its individual packages.

  • Booking suggestions in table plans

    Booking suggestions can now also be created per table plan with version 12.

  • Set display and edit mode for records

    When a user opens a record, it is blocked for changes by other users during this period. The small arrow next to Speichernexpand can now be used to switch to display mode directly within the record. The record cannot be changed in display mode, but another user can open it for editing at the same time. Users with administrative authorisations can specify for each table under Einrichtung SetupTabellendetails Table details whether the records are opened in display mode by default, as these would often be locked by a user due to high frequency. A different setting can also be saved via group authorisations.

  • Nesting user groups

    With version 12, user groups can be merged or nested for a better overview. This means that a new employee no longer needs to be assigned many individual groups if they have already been combined into a "standard" authorisation group. To do this, switch to the tab Benutzer Users / Groups in a user group and add further groups via neu .

  • Rule-based out-of-office notifications

    In the Administration Administration under Administration SettingsE Mail Email , use a list to specify for which email recipients no automatic out-of-office message should be sent. Example: bewerbung@; info@ etc.

  • Starting multiple clients

    In future, several clients can be started on one computer. This means that a user can start a client with their access data and open a second client with administrator access for customisations.

  • Multiple service clients and their tasks

    From version 12, it is possible to set up several service clients and distribute the load of job processing to the various service clients for load distribution. New service clients can be set up at Administration Administration > Administration SettingsMonitor Service Clients via neu . Jobs can be permanently assigned to a service client. Without a fixed assignment, the job is executed on a service client that has capacity at that time (load balancing). On a server with 32 GB memory and 8 cores, we recommend separating at least the web server and jobs on the service clients, and ideally also the email retrieval on a separate service client.
    Example: Email retrieval separately on a service client, so other jobs and web users are not slowed down.

  • The new word processing system

    In addition to the new look, the word processor offers many new developments.
    Some examples:

    1. Inserting and formatting tables
    2. the insertion of sections for limitless, custom formatting of individual pages (portrait format, landscape format, margins, etc.)
    3. Define and use style sheets
    4. Lock document for changes
    5. Save in another format (Word, PDF, Html etc.)

    Read more in our Manual
    Watch the video of the digital user conference on our Youtube channel.

  • Export without Excel

    With version 12, data can be exported as XLSX files. It is therefore not absolutely necessary for Excel to be installed on the target storage location.