Bp Event 12
Version 12 offers you many new options that will make your daily work easier. Below you will find many useful tips for familiarising yourself with version 12. You can also view the links to other manual articles, the videos for the digital user conference and other tutorials on YouTube .
- Flexibility of windows - multiple monitors
- Save window size and its position
- Set font size and font per user
In the toolbar, go to the tab Options > Settings. Each user can set the font size for themselves and Save. After refreshing the window, the change is visible.
- Start window automatically
- Window in the foreground
- Position the start window as a bar
When you start Bp Event 12, a small start window with all the important functions opens on your main monitor. To save space on the screen, the start window can be collapsed. The start window can be brought to the foreground using the keyboard shortcut F2. Note: The previous functions of the F2 key can now be found via Shift F2
- Recently opened data records
- Move rows using drag drop
Lines and process items can be moved easily using drag and drop. You only need to press the Alt key to move several rows at the same time.
- Display and change mode
- Activate/deactivate data records
- Confidential data records
- Actions on the list
- Copy events and dates
- The new word processing system
In addition to the new look, the word processor offers many new developments. A few examples:
a) das Einfügen und Formatieren von Tabellen
b) das Einfügen von Abschnitten zur völlig freien Formatierung einzelner Seiten (Hochformat, Querformat, Ränder etc.)
c) Stilvorlagen definieren und verwenden
d) Dokument für Änderungen sperren
e) in anderem Format speichern (Word, PDF, Html etc.)Read more in our manual.
Take a look at the video of the digital user conference . - To Dos - the new work organisation
To Dos is a great new tool for organising work. Plan tasks step by step, set deadlines and responsibilities, link them to documents and data records and much more.
Read more in our manual.
Take a look at the video of the digital user conference .