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Icon Bp Event mobil

Bp Event mobileM

  • Authorise the user for login
    1. Go to the Administration Administration tab and select Benutzerexpand Users > Benutzer User > suche  Search.
    2. Double-click to select an existing user from the list or add a new user. ()
    3. In the list of permissions/authorisations (below the user images), enable MobileApp Mobile client access.
    4. Tick Allow automatic login in Bp mobile to allow the user to save their login data for faste access.
  • Create an Info Centre view for the mobile client

    We recommend a customised, clear Info Centre view for the mobile client. This is set in the full client.

    1. as star Mobile standard.
  • First steps with Bp Event mobile

    If the taskbar in Bp Event mobile is highlighted in yellow (instead of grey), the connection to the server is temporarily interrupted. Do not refresh the browser window. Bp Event mobile automatically checks whether the connection can be re-established.

    Note: Do not use the browser's "Refresh" button, as this will end the session.

    1. Enter the Bp Event mobile link in the browser. The link is made up as follows:
      http://bp-event-server/client/launch Replace "Bp-event-server" by "Server address:Port".
      Recommendation: Save the link as a bookmark.
    2. Enter your User and Password and tick Stay logged in to save the user data.
      Note: This must be authorised by a user with administrative rights.
    3. Click on Log in to open Bp Event mobile.
    4. Go to the icon optionen Options tab in the toolbar and select > icon optionen Settings to specify whether the data sheets should be opened in HTML or PDF format by default.
      Recommendation: Tick Use Esc to close windows and specify only a small number Most recent records.
    5. ok Save save the settings.
    6. In the icon optionen Options tab, click on Funktionsleiste Optionen Function bar to create or change a favourites tab with your most important tools.
    7. Click on the Benutzer User and select Log out to end Bp Event mobile.

    Would you like to test Bp Event mobile? Click here

  • Activate an SSL certificate for the Bp Event web server

    The SSL certificate (key.pem and cert.pem) must be in PEM format. Convert in OpenSSL if necessary.

    1. Open the "Web Folder SSL" folder in the database directory or create a new folder needed.
    2. Save the two certificate files as "key.pem" and "cert.pem".
      Example: C:\Bp Event\Server\Data\Web Folder SSL\key.pem
      and C:\Bp Event\Server\Data\Web Folder SSL\cert.pem
    3. Go to the hilfe Help tab and select Wartung Maintenance > Monitor Service Client to restart the service client and enable the SSL certificate
    4. Enter the URL "https://localhost/client/launch" in any web browser to test the HTTPS connection locally on the server.

    Useful links:

  • Change the HTTPs port

    Port 443 is assigned by default, but can be changed manually.

    1. Go to the Administration Administration tab and select Administration Settings > Administration Technical settings > Monitor Service Clients.
    2. Under Webserver, enter a different port in the HTTPs port field. The Bp Event web server will restart automatically with the new HTTPs port.
    3. Also change the port in the URL.
    4. Allow the new HTTPs port in the firewall.