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Using Online Tome ClockingM

Online time recording is a web-based application that allows staff to record their working hours independently. In the calendar, you can note in advance on which days and at what times you are available.

  • Get authorised to access online time clocking

    Um über die Online Zeiterfassung Arbeistzeiten zu erfassen und mitzuteilen, müssen Sie die entsprechenden Berechtigungen haben. Ein Bp Event-Benutzer mit administrativen Rechten muss Sie zuvor in der Datenbank anlegen:

    1. Als Adresse Adresse
      1. with email and telephone number for notifications
      2. with a suitable category (staff or similar)
    2. Als personal Mitarbeiter
      1. linked to the Adresse account
      2. with activated dienst shift roster
      3. with matching personal Staff roles
      4. with activated Password WebApp access with login name and password
    3. As Benutzer Bp Event user
      1. with User group "PersonalApp_Gruppe".
      2. linked to the Adresse account
  • Log in to the app in the browser

    Your administrator will give you the web account (URL) as well as the login name and password to log in to the time recording app.
    Important: Registration should not be confused with the beginning or end of working time! Even if you are not registered all the time, your working time continues.

    1. Open a new window in your web browser (Mozilla, Explorer, Chrome or similar) on your mobile device.
    2. Geben Sie die URL in der Adresszeile am oberen Rand des Fensters ein. Speichern Sie die Adresse unter Favoritenordner/ Lesezeichen, um sich schnell und einfach anzumelden.
    3. Geben Sie Ihren Anmeldenamen und Passwort ein und klicken Sie auf Anmelden.
    4. If an appropriate terminal is set up, log in with RFID chip/card instead of via smartphone.
    5. To log out tap the button Log out in the top right corner.
  • Start and end work times

    Successfully logging in to the online time recording system does not mean that your working time has started. Conversely, you can also log in and out repeatedly while your working time or break time continues to be recorded.

    1. Online time recording always opens on the menu item Time recording on the current day and time.
    2. Click on Ausfuehren Start work and choose between the different service categories offered if necessary.
      Bsp.: Dienst, Dienstgang, Dienstbefreiung
    3. The top number on the screen shows the time you have already worked , the second the time you have already taken . The third line shows when you started your working time.
    4. Tap Akquise Change shiftto select a different shift category or to change to a concurrent shift. If this option is not provided in your segment, the icon is greyed out.
    5. Tap  stop Finish workto complete the working time. If the times given differ from the scheduled shift times, give an explanatory comment to be able to send the times.
  • Enter breaks during working hours

    Breaks are most easily entered directly in the app, but can also be entered later.

    1. Click on pause Start breakexactly when you go on break. As soon as you have returned from the break, click on Ausfuehren Continue work . The times entered are taken over exactly (rounded if necessary).
    2. You can subsequently specify pauses via the button Further actions at the bottom right.
    3. At enter the duration of the break enter the time in minutes that you were previously on an unannounced break.
      Ex: 20 minutes
    4. At enter break times enter the exact times at which you started or finished your break.
      Ex: 10:30 - 10:45
  • Make additional entries or changes

    Via the online time recording, messages can be sent to the responsible superiors or small corrections can be made by the staff members themselves.

    1. Geben Sie über die Schaltfläche Weitere Aktionen > Bemerkung eingeben eine kurze Mitteilung ein, die in der Übersicht der erfassten Arbeitszeiten erscheint.
      Ex: the reason for a delay
    2. Correct the time for the last changeover between break time and working time yourself via Further actions > Change time of last action . Actions other than the last one cannot be changed independently.
    3. Bestätigen Sie mit Senden.
      Example: You have forgotten to log back in from the break. At 13:30, select Continue work, then go to Change time of last action and enter: "New time 13:15" and an explanation.
    4. By tapping on the button History at the bottom left, you can see all actions that were triggered within the working time.
  • Call up shifts, work times, etc.

    In addition to time recording, there are other menu items on the app. Open these menu items by tapping on the icon submenu at the top left.

    1. Der Kalender zeigt eine Monatssicht des aktuellen Monats. Wechseln Sie das Datum mit Tip in das Datumsfeld ganz oben. Welche Dienste, Arbeitszeiten etc. hier angezeigt werden ist betriebsspezifisch.
      1. By tipping on neu Add in the top left-hand corner, you can create new holiday requests or details of your availability directly in the calendar.
      2. Tip on refresh Refresh to update the display after changes.
    2. In der Übersicht öffnet sich ein Datenblatt mit betriebsspezifischem Inhalt. Die Übersicht öffnet sich in einem separaten Tab. Schließen Sie den Tab über das kleine x im Reiter.
    3. At Time account you will find a list of your time account balances with date and account balance as well as any other information. The list is sorted in descending order (from the most recent to the oldest entry) and cannot be edited.
    4. At Duty rota you will find a list of all your already created duties in the selected period. The list is sorted in ascending order (from the closest to the furthest date).
      1. For more information, tip on Offene Mengen Details.
      2. By tapping on Filter filters you choose which types of shifts you want to see.
        Bsp.: nur die bestätigten Dienste, nur die Urlaubstage
    5. Unter Arbeitszeiten finden Sie eine Liste aller Ihrer bereits eingereichten Arbeitszeiten im gewählten Zeitraum. Die Liste ist absteigend sortiert (vom jüngsten bis zum ältesten Eintrag) und kann nicht bearbeitet werden.
  • Clock work times for staff members

    With the appropriate authorisation, you can record working hours for your staff members who are not authorised to do so themselves. The options are essentially the same as described above.

    1. In the burger menu , click on Time recording for staff.
    2. This opens a list of staff who either have a planned shift on the current day or have already been marked as present ( in shift or in break) :
      1. staff members who have already terminated their shift are no longer listed.
      2. Geplante  Dienstzeiten werden kursiv dargestellt.
    3. Sortieren Sie die Liste mit Tap/Klick auf die Spaltenüberschrift.
    4. Select the names of the staff members you want to edit:
      1. individual names with tap on the line
      2.   all or no names with tap on the button above the first column
      3. several names with tap into the respective rows in the first column.
    5. No entries can be made in the list itself. To edit, select the desired staff and click on one of the actions listed below. Some actions are possible for several staff at the same time (e.g. start break), others only for individual staff (e.g. add breaks).
      1.   Start working time/continue working
      2.  Start break
      3.  Clock out
      4. Further actions: Enter comment, enter breaks as a lump sum or with times, change time of last action).
      5. View history
    6. Additional information on a staff member/shift can be found by clicking on Details.