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What makes an "Event"? It all depens on who you ask. But no matter what - if your events have ten, 100 or 1000 participants, if they happen in-house, at an outside location or even out-of-doors, if they are short functions or conferences lasting several days - the Bp Event Events function will help you to plan and implement all of the above.

Von der Planung über die Durchführung und den Abschluss der Veranstaltungen - alles im Detail dokumentiert und jederzeit wieder auffindbar - nichts kann in Vergessenheit geraten.

Scope of services:

Key data of the event
Enter the date, time, number of people, status and a status date. The status and status date of an event remind you of upcoming tasks and are displayed in the Info Centre calendar. Enter the organiser's address, a different ordering address, a different billing address from the organiser or a different delivery address. Enter the reason for the event. Enter notes from the first meeting and record initial agreements. Event templates are created for frequently recurring or similar events. With the help of these templates, complex offers can be created in the shortest possible time.

Enter one or more event rooms with individual times and numbers of people. Check the availability of the rooms, specify the seating arrangements and enter texts for arrangements and signposting.

Nachdem alle Eckdaten eingegeben, Räume oder Lieferort festgelegt sind, müssen nur noch die fakturierbaren Leistungen (Artikel) gebucht werden. Im Vorgangstyp Angebot werden die Artikel gebucht, der aktuell gültige Preis wird aus dem Datensatz des Artikels übernommen und kann für diese Veranstaltung geändert werden. Wählen Sie, ob der Artikel

a) per person > Example menu or buffet
b) Piece by piece > Example flower arrangements
c) by the hour > Example personnel
d) with a factor > Example finger food per person three parts

is to be calculated. Comments, separator texts and subtotals can be inserted for structuring purposes.

Über Textvorlagen wird mit wenigen Klicks das Angebot erstellt. Das Angebot setzt sich zusammen aus den Informationen der Veranstalteradresse, den Daten der Veranstaltung, der Artikel und der Textvorlage. Drucken Sie das Angebot für den Versand per Post oder versenden es per E-Mail.

Purchase order
To create the customer contract, all information from the quotation transaction type is usually copied to the order transaction type and the necessary changes are made.

Über vorhandene Vorlagen wird mit wenigen Klicks der Vertrag erstellt. Der Vertrag setzt sich zusammen aus den Informationen der Veranstalteradresse, der Veranstaltung, der Artikel und der Textvorlage. Drucken Sie den Kundenvertrag für den Versand per Post oder versenden ihn per E-Mail.

To create the customer contract, all information from the order transaction type is usually copied to the invoice transaction type. Missing items are posted, the actual consumption is entered, subtotals are created and a spreadsheet with a consecutive invoice number and date of issue is created. In addition, payments can be recorded and an automated dunning process can be set up.

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Expandable by:

Serien- und MehrtagesveranstaltungenM
The module allows you to easily manage events over several days with different requirements and summarise them in one invoice.

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Branded PrintsM
The module allows you to create quotations, contracts and invoices in your corporate design and make individual customisations.

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The module enables the creation of detailed schedules with location, responsibility and duration, both for internal planning and for communication with the customer.

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The module allows you to structure your events flexibly. Different rooms at different times with different numbers of people and different food and drink offerings.

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Attendee ListM
The module allows you to create individual guest lists for customers or public events, manage status and entrance fees and print individual menu cards with names.

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Calculations, Item Details and RecipesM<attribute not present>
The module allows you to calculate quantities and contribution margins, print detailed recipes and production lists, and manage suppliers and their product ranges.

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Module in direkter Verbindung zur Veranstaltung:

Verfügbarkeiten von Equipment, Geschirr und Mobiliar stets im Blick. Warnung bei drohender Überbuchung und Berechnung von Bruch zum Wiederbeschaffungspreis.

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Automatic determination of requirements, simple and controlled purchasing.

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Reservierungen anlegen, Tische zuweisen, Kapazitäten prüfen und den Status jederzeit im Blick behalten.

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Create offers, menu cards, contracts and invoices in the national language of the contact person.

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Planen einer Veranstaltung für einen Betrieb.

Rücklauf von Equipment und Pfandartikel organisieren.

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Tickets verkaufen, Räume blocken, Kapazitäten prüfen, Umsätze auswerten.

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