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In jeder Veranstaltung können Deckungsbeiträge kalkuliertM und Preise angepasst werden. Die Berechnung bezieht sich ausschließlich auf Einkaufs- und Verkaufspreise, die in der Artikelverwaltung eingegeben werden.

  1. As soon as an event is created, the additional tab Kalkul Calculationappears in the left-hand event navigation. Open the calculation with a left click.
  2. Alternatively, open the Kalkul calculation in the process, in the pricing area at the top left of the input window.
  3. The input window for the calculation opens. At the top left of the input window, you can select from all the processes that have already been created.
  4. In the lower area, change the view (standard, price calculation, quantity calculation, etc.) to display various details. The columns with a dark background refer to data from the item or event that cannot be changed here.
    Note: Users with administrative authorisations can change views at Administration Administration >  Administration General settings >  Kalkul Calculation .
  5. Click on the desired item and change the price, the contribution margin in euros (DB €) or the contribution margin in % (DB %).
  6. The contribution margin is calculated from the sales price (net) minus the purchase price. The share of the contribution margin refers to the share of total sales that an item has.
  7. Click on ok Applyto apply the calculated prices to the event or discard the calculation via Abbrechen Reset. The price changes only apply to the event, the master data remains unchanged.