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According to Food Information Regulations, additives, allergens and certain ingredientsM contained in food products and beverages must be declared. Always store that information at the lowest item level (for recipes in the purchase item or for arrangements in the combo items), then copy the details to the higher levels.

  1. Go to the Artikelzusaetze Properties tab in the side navigation.
  2. In the list of ingredients, check the box in the first column for all ingredients, nutrients or allergens contained in the item. Go to Administration  Administration > Administration Settings > artikel Items > Artikelzusaetze Properties to edit the list of ingredients used here.
  3. Enter the Amount of any given ingredient contained in the item per sales unit if that option is enabled.
  4. Click on Komponenten Copy from components for combo items if you want to copy any ingredients and nutritional values already entered. This will disable the manual input of additional details.
  5. Click on Adresse Copy from suppliers if supplier items with nutritional details have already been linked. This will disable manual input of additional details.
  6. For both of the above options, click on the dropdown triangle and select Ingredients only, if the nutritional values differ from that of the combo item after processing. Click ok Apply to confirm.
  7. save Save your input by clicking on the icon in the top left-hand corner of the input window.