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Searching for items

  • Open a simple search

    As soon as a table (accounts, items etc.) contains more than 20 records, a proper search window will open. Smaller amounts of data are displayed as a simple list. There are pre-assigned or user-defined hotkeys for many searches (see Using hotkeys).

    1. Open the search by left-clicking on the icon of the table you want (accounts, events,...) in the toolbar. If you are currently working in another record, open the function bar by left-clicking on the  Menu in the top left-hand corner of the window's title bar.
      Alternatively, click on the expand dropdown triangle next to the icon and select suche Search.
    2. A search window will open with different search fields depending on the table selected
    3. Different types of search fields are offered in each search: Input fields, drop-down menus, date fields and checkboxes.
      Enter your search query and click on suche Search in the bottom right-hand corner of the window.
    4. If your search returns any results, a list of all the found records will appear. Narrow your search further to reduce the number of records found.
    5. If your search does not yield any results, click on Change search and check the search criteria. If necessary, remove some criteria, as only those records are found that meet all of the specified criteria.
  • Search by value (matchcode)

    Many database fields allow free input and flexible formats. Internal standards for creating records are invaluable to facilitate later searches.

    1. Enter one or more Search terms. The database fields that are searched vary depending on the function.
      Note: You can find more detailed information in the tooltip that is displayed on mousehover.
    2. More specific custom input fields are labelled with the name of the field to which they refer.
      Example: "Subject" or "External number"
    3. Search terms do not have to be complete, the beginnings of words will be enough. The search results, however, will be more accurate for complete terms.
      E.g.: "War" finds Warwick, Warner, Warburg etc.
    4. To search for a fragment that occurs in the middle of the word, enter an asterisk "*" as a wildcard.
      Ex: "*roy" finds Conroy and Milroy
    5. Search words do not have to be spelt completely correctly. The phonetic search also finds similar-sounding words. (German only)
      Example: The input "Meier" will find Meier, Mair and Meyer
  • Filter by date

    For many records, the search can be narrowed down by date. The time period can be specified in different ways.

    1. Enter the from and to dates directly in the search fields.
      Alternatively, open the kalender Date picker to the left of the input field and left-click the date.
      Or select the current date by left-clicking submenu Menu > cal today Today to the right of the input field.
    2. Shift the selected date by clicking the submenu Menu options to the right of the input field:
      1. by up to six days delete Forward or neu Back
      2. by up to four weeks or to the Anfang Beginning or Ende Endof the selected week
      3. by up to three months or to the Anfang Beginningor Ende End of the selected month
      4. by up to three years or to the Anfang Beginning or Ende Endof the selected year.
    3. Alternatively, specify a Datum Auswahl Time period for the search, which you can shift  Forward or  Back by using the arrows:
      1. one, three or five days from the selected start date
      2. one, two or three weeks from the Monday before the selected start date
      3. one, two or three months from the 1st of the selected month or
      4. one, two or three years from 1 January of the selected year.
    4. Remove all data by left-clicking submenu Menu > delete Delete. Deleting the start date also removes the end date and vice versa.
  • Filter by picklist value

    Some fields in the database are entered using picklists. The type of picklist is decisive for the search: for some but not all list, several values can be searched for simultaneously.

    1. Fields that are filled in using non-editable picklists are searched using drop-down lists. Multi-selection of values is possible.
      Example: Event status: On hold, Waiting list, Confirmed
    2. The search fields appear as grey bars. Left-click the bar to open the picklist.
    3. Select one value by left-clicking or several values by holding down the Ctrl key and left-clicking, then  Confirm.
    4. Alternatively, click on  Select all and  Confirm.
    5. Fields that are entered using a combo box (either free input or an expandable picklist) appear as a white input field with a  dropdown triangle.
    6. Enter a value or select a value from the picklist by clicking on the triangle. Multi-selection is not possible.
  • Filter by checkbox value

    Use checkboxes to search for records with a given properta. If only records with this property are to be searched for, the state of the box should be  selected, if these records are to be omitted from the search, the state should be  deselected. If the state is  undefined, then both records with and without that property are searched for. Examples use the module Multi-day and Recurring EventsM

    1. By default, checkboxes are usually  undefined. The values of the field are not taken into account for the search.
      Example:  Multi-day event finds both one-day and multi-day events.
    2. If the box is  selected with a single left-click, only records that have that property are searched for.
      Example:  Multi-day event only finds multi-day events.
    3. If the box is  deselected by left-clicking again, then records with the selected property are excluded from the search results.
      Example:  Multi-day event will not find multi-day events.
    4. A third left click restores the status  undefined .
  • Customise your searches

    Searches are often complex and customised. To ensure that the search window remains uncluttered, there are many customisations available for the interface. Users with administrative rights can also set a company standard.

    1. Left-click neu Advanced search in the bottom left-hand corner of the search window to open further search fields. To return to the simple search, click on  Simple search.
    2. Each search field can be personalised. Users with administrative rights can also set a  Company standard .
    3. To the right of each search field a  Menu offers user-specific options.
    4. Select edit Start input in this field to specify that the cursor always jumps directly to the selected field when the search is opened.
    5. Select Speichern Favorit Save values to enter a fixed value for a field which will be preset for each new search.The preset value can be manually overwritten in a search, but will appear again in the next search. To remove the default, click on Speichern Favorit.
      Example: only search for records that belong to one department
    6. Select  Calculate value from formula to create a preset that is recalculated for each search. This option is useful for fields such as dates.
      Example: always search from the first to the last of the current month
    7. Select nur lesen Show in to decide whether a search field should appear in the Simple (Fewer fields) or the Advanced search (More fields), determining yourself which search fields are important or unimportant for you. To reset a field to the manufacturer's setting, select  Standard.
  • Search for records that meet several criteria at the same time ("And")

    Different types of search criteria can be combined to narrow down the search. Only the records that meet each of the specified criteria will be listed in the results list. Each search with several criteria is an "and" search. If the search does not produce any hits, remove one or more search criteria if necessary.
    Example: "Event" AND "May 2018" AND "Large hall" AND "Waiting list status"

    1. Enter various search terms, dates, users, etc.
    2. Click on suche Search.
    3. Only records that fulfil ALL the specified criteria are found.
  • Search for records that meet at least one of several criteria ("Or")

    Sometimes records need to have only one of several possible characteristics, or criteria are searched for that are even mutually exclusive. To do this, divide the search into two steps.
    Example: "Hotel" OR "Restaurant" in postcode area "69" OR "68"

    1. Enter the first search and click on the dropdown triangle next to sucheexpand Search, then select suche New search.
      Example: Accounts with account category "Hotel" in the postcode area 68-69
      A new search window will open. The number of records found (search results) is displayed in the bottom left-hand corner of the search window.
    2. Remove your original search criteria, enter the new search criteria and click on the dropdown triangle next to expand Show, then select Vereinigungsmenge Extend search results.
      The new number of search results is displayed again in the bottom left-hand corner of the search window.
    3. Repeat the process as often as needed until all search criteria have been specified.
    4. Then click on  Show search result.
  • Exclude records that meet certain criteria ("But not")

    To narrow down the search results, records can be excluded based on certain criteria. To do this, split the search into two steps.
    Example: Customers in a specific postcode area BUT NOT those who have already received the newsletter

    1. Enter the first search and click on the dropdown triangle next to sucheexpand Search, then select suche New search.
      The number of records found (search results) is displayed in the bottom left-hand corner of the search window.
    2. Remove your original search criteria, enter the new search criteria and click on the dropdown triangle next to expand Show, then select Vereinigungsmenge Narrow down search.
      The new number of search results is displayed again in the bottom left-hand corner of the search window.
    3. Repeat the process as often as needed until all search criteria have been specified.
    4. Then click on  Show.
  • Exclude records that do not meet certain criteria ("But only")

    If the search needs to be narrowed down belatedly, records that do not meet certain criteria can be excluded. In this way, additional search criteria ("And"-search) can be introduced retroactively.
    Example: Customers in a specific postcode area BUT NOT those who have already received the newsletter

    1. Enter the first search and click on the expand triangle next to sucheexpand Search, then select suche New search.
      The number of records found (search results) is displayed in the bottom left-hand corner of the search window.
    2. Remove the first search criteria, enter the new search criteria and click on the dropdown triangle next to expand Show, then select Schnittmenge Match all criteria.
      The new number of search results is displayed again in the bottom left-hand corner of the search window.
    3. Repeat the process as often as needed until all search criteria have been specified.
    4. Then click on  Show.
  • Repeat and save searches locally

    Some searches are regularly performed in the same way. To avoid having to reassemble complex searches each time, these searches can be saved and used repeatedly.
    Example: all current customers who have ordered the newsletter but have not yet received it

    1. Click on Historie Recent searches in the bottom right-hand corner of the search window to call up the last searches performed. The list of recent searches is sorted chronologically (descending). Details of the search are displayed in an inspector window on mousehover.
      Note: You can specify the number of recent records shown here under icon optionen Options > icon optionen Settings > Most recent records.
    2. In the drop-down menu, click on  Start search to perform the same search again unchanged.
    3. To copy the search criteria but add some changes, click on  New search >  Copy data in the drop-down menu.
    4. Select  Save as favourite to prevent a search from disappearing from the list as it slips to the bottom. Favourites stay at the top of the history list and are not deleted.
  • Save searches externally

    To forward a search to another user, save the search steps externally as an SEA file.

    1. Carry out a complex search as described above.
      Note: Do NOT choose to Show the search results
    2. Click on the dropdown triangle next to sucheexpand Search and select  Save search steps to save your search criteria on an external data carrier. Make sure to select a speaking name for easy retrieval.
    3. To perform the saved search, open the search window and select suche Search >  Load saved search > suche  Show search results.