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Creating a staff item

  • Open a new staff role

    Create a separate staff role for each service item.

    1. Click on artikel Item > neu  New and, if applicable, select your company.
    2. Enter the Name of the staff role and Check For Duplicates check for existing records to avoid duplicates.
    3. Select the Item group "Staff" and a suitable sub-group.
    4. In the toolbar of the input window, click on betrieb Company and tick at least one box to assign the service item, then ok Apply.
    5. save Save your input by clicking on the icon in the top left-hand corner of the input window.
  • Assign staff members to the staff roleM

    Link the staff role to specific staff members if you want to use Shift and Staff Planning. Go to Administration Administration > Administration Settings > artikel Items to specify, which item groups are intended for staff items and can be linked to staff members.

    1. As soon as you select an Item group belonging to the "Staff" top group, a new personal Staff members tab will appear in the side navigation.
    2. Go to this new personal Staff members tab and click on neu Add.
    3. Select one staff member by left-clicking (hold down the Ctrl key for multi-select) and click on Apply to select the staff you want.
    4. save Save your input by clicking on the icon in the top left-hand corner of the input window.

     Note: It is possible to create a new account on-the-fly by clicking on neu Add > Item list > neu Add > neu New staff member. We recommend, however, to create new staff members by going to the Basis Staff and Shifts tab and selecting personal Staff member > neu New.

  • Enable a time reference

    For staff items, a time reference is mandatory. Without it, staff planning is basically impossible. The booking times may or may not affect invoicing.

    1. To book an item either by the hour or per unit, select Time reference optional. It is possible, but not obligatory, to enter booking times. When the item is booked for an event, the specified hourly price is multiplied in the event segment by the number of hours (count 2 in the segment).
      Ex: Service staff
    2. To always book an item per hour, select Time reference mandatory. When the item is booked for an event, the times of the event or event segment are automatically copied to the item, but can be changed manually. The specified hourly price is multiplied by the number of hours (count 2 in the segment).
      Example: Service staff per hour
    3. To always book an item per unit, select Time reference flat rate. It is possible, but not obligatory, to enter booking times. The number of hours booked is only used for shift plannng and will not affect the price.
      Example: A technician is invoiced to the client at a flat rate of € 280.00 per day. The actual work time in hours is only given as information.


  • Enter and maintain your staff capacityM

    In order to keep track of how many staff members are still available or already fully booked, the current staff capacity must be callable at any time. This can be achieved by using either the InventoryM or the Shift and Staff PlanningM module.

    1. Open the Staff role and activate  Shifts in the toolbar. A new Kalkul Capacity tab will appear in the side navigation.
    2. Go to the new Kalkul Capacity tab to input staff capacity.
    3. Click on neu Add to add or subtract numbers.
    4. The Valid from date and the count (Plus_Minus) will appear in an input window for the inventory change. Enter additions as positive numbers, reductions as negative numbers.
    5. Enter the number of people who can take on this staff role.
      Note: This field is not updated automatically when a staff member is assigned to a staff role..
    6. Stay on the Kalkul Capacity tab. If you want to be notified of insufficient human resources in good time, enable an alert and set the number of lead days in the Conflict alert (days before deployment) field.
    7. Speichern Save your input by clicking on the icon in the top left-hand corner of the input window.