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Entering tax rates

Users with administrative rights can create new tax rates.

  1. Go to the Administration  Administration tab on the function bar and click on Administration  Settings >artikel  Items.
  2. Click on Tax rates >  neu New.
  3. Enter the tax rate number.
    a) No. 1 for the regular VAT rate of 19% *.
    b) No. 2 for the regular VAT rate of 7% *.
    Note: If you need to enter changes, always create new tax rates rather than deleting or overwriting existing VAT rates for better traceability.
  4. Enter a Valid from date.
  5. Enter the tax rate.
  6. Speichern Save your input by clicking on the icon in the top left-hand corner of the input window.

*Please refer to the current, country-specific legislation on VAT!