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Additional recipients can be specified spontaneously for an e-mail.
Note: Accounts listed in the To or Copy (Cc) field are visible to all other recipients. Recipients of blind copies (Bcc) are not visible to the other email recipients.

  1. Enter additional e-mail addresses in the field To, Copy (Cc) and Blind copy (Bcc).
  2. Separate the accounts with semicolons (;).
  3. If necessary, enlarge the input field via Uebersicht Enlarge input field to the right of the field.

In a Contacts recipient list , both addresses and contact persons with e-mail addresses and unlinked e-mails can be listed.
Hinweis: Wenn Sie auf Ansprechpartner Empfängerliste umschalten, können weitere E-Mail-Adressen nur noch über diesen Reiter eingegeben oder ausgewählt werden. Die  star Auswahlliste für Cc und Bcc wird deaktiviert.

  1. Click on neu to the right of the input field Toto open a recipient list.
  2. Add existing addresses in the database via  neu > Contacts  . Only addresses for which an e-mail address is specified are offered.
  3. Add a line for the manual entry of an unlinked e-mail address via neuE Mail .
  4. Select which of the accounts are recipients, recipients of copies or blind copies.

Via Verteilerliste distribution lists you can reach groups of recipients who frequently need the same information. You can create distribution lists for emails or internal messages.
Hinweis: Wenn Sie auf Verteilerliste Verteilerliste umschalten, können weitere E-Mail-Adressen nur noch über diesen Reiter eingegeben oder ausgewählt werden. Die  star Auswahlliste für Cc und Bcc wird deaktiviert.

  1. Click on neu > Distribution list to the right of the Tofield to open a distribution list.
  2. Die in der Verteilerliste vorhandenen E-Mails werden automatisch in die Empfängerliste übernommen und behalten den Status (An, Cc, Bcc), den sie dort zugewiesen haben.
  3. Create distribution lists at Briefe Communication > Distribution list Distribution lists > neu New .

If the recipients of your emails change, but you regularly need the same accounts for copies or blind copies, enter them in a star drop-down list .

  1. Click on star Favourites > edit Edit to the right of the Cc or Bccfield to create or change a selection list.
  2. Enter the desired addresses.
  3. Select the desired email by double-clicking or by left-clicking and holding down the Ctrl key and ok Apply .
  4. Select the entire list with SelectAll Select all lines at the top right of the selection window.