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The item group determines whether an item may contain components and where it appears in quotes, menu cards or reports. It is also crucial for later item searches and can impact Inventory managementM, PurchasesM and Shift PlanningM, so make sure to select the right group.

  1. Stay on the artikel General tab.
  2. Select the Item group and Subgroup from the drop-down menu under the name. The groups that appear here are defined in consultation with your Bp Event account manager when setting up the software. Select, for example
    • Foods or Drinks for sales items
    • Equipment or Technology for inventory itemsM
    • Staff for staff roles or staff membersM
    • Ticketing for tickets and public eventsM
    • Production item for items that are produced on-site but not for sale as such
    • Purchase item for ingredients that are not for sale as such
    • Other for unspecified services or pure text.
  3. For further optional groupings of items, use the expandable picklists in the Type and Code fields. Both are used to structure data and facilitate searches by adding information.