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The item name is for internal use only and will not appear in customer printouts. It should be no longer than 80 characters, containing no special characters. The name must be unique and meaningful so that the item can be found in searches and when booking the item for an event. If you sell this item in different container sizes or units, this information should also appear in the item name.

Note: Before creating a new item, use the item search to check whether this item already exists in your database. This helps avoid unnecessary duplicates from the start.

  1. Stay on the artikel General tab.
  2. Enter the item name in the Name field.
    Note: Set an operating standard for item names to facilitate search and evaluation. Information on container sizes and sales units is also important.
    Ex: Orange juice and Apple juice or Juice, Orange and Juice, Apple
    Ex: Coca Cola 0,2 l, Coca Cola btl. 0,2 l, Box 12 btls or Service staff per hr, Waiter flat fee, Buffet per person
  3. Click on Check For Duplicates  Find duplicates to see a list of all similar names and avoid potential duplicates.
  4. If the name already exists, select the item either by double-click or left-click and Apply.
  5. If the name does not exist yet, click on Abbrechen Overlay Close window in the top right-hand corner of the list window or by pressing the Esc key.