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Save the layout for event sheets

Important note: Event sheets will no longer be supported in the future. Please use Data sheets instead - they are easier to customise, consume fewer resources and are also suitable for mobile use.
Many of our customers still use the now obsolete Bp Event event sheets for runner sheets or work orders, which are based on outdated technology.
We strongly recommend switching to the current Bp Event data sheets, which are suitable for mobile use and highly customisable.
Event sheets will be supported until at least the end of 2024 for compatibility reasons, but further developments, improvements or integration into new technologies (Bp Event Mobil) will no longer happen.

Information is structured and output based on ready-made layouts. There are differences for the header and footer layout for the first page and the following pages.

Layout Schedule

Layout Items

Layout Lists/Reports Schedule

Layout Header 1st page

Layout Header following pages

Layout Footer

Veranstaltungsblätter Fusslayout1


Layout Footer last page

Recurring and multi-day list



Event and event segment rooms

Segment header and list of segments