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Kalkulation, Artikeldetails und Rezepturen

Calculations, Item Details and Recipes

Das Modul ergänzt die Funktionen des Artikels um die Möglichkeiten Rezepturen anzulegen, Deckungsbeiträge zu berechnen, eigene Artikelgruppen anzulegen und individuelle zu definieren. Zusätzlich kann das Modul die Ausweisung von Allergenen und Inhaltsstoffen unterstützen. Laut Lebensmittelinformations-Verordnung (LMIV) müssen Zusätze, Allergene und bestimmte Inhaltsstoffe von Speisen und Getränken kenntlich gemacht werden. Hinterlegen Sie die Inhaltsstoffe immer der untersten Artikelebene, d.h. bei Rezepturen im Einkaufsartikel oder bei Arrangements in den Komponentenartikeln, um die Informationen in die übergeordneten Artikel zu übernehmen.

  • Enter additives, allergens, ingredients and nutritional values

    According to Food Information Regulations, additives, allergens and certain ingredientsM contained in food products and beverages must be declared. Always store that information at the lowest item level (for recipes in the purchase item or for arrangements in the combo items), then copy the details to the higher levels.

    1. Go to the Artikelzusaetze Properties tab in the side navigation.
    2. In the list of ingredients, check the box in the first column for all ingredients, nutrients or allergens contained in the item. Go to Administration  Administration > Administration Settings > artikel Items > Artikelzusaetze Properties to edit the list of ingredients used here.
    3. Enter the Amount of any given ingredient contained in the item per sales unit if that option is enabled.
    4. Click on Komponenten Copy from components for combo items if you want to copy any ingredients and nutritional values already entered. This will disable the manual input of additional details.
    5. Click on Adresse Copy from suppliers if supplier items with nutritional details have already been linked. This will disable manual input of additional details.
    6. For both of the above options, click on the dropdown triangle and select Ingredients only, if the nutritional values differ from that of the combo item after processing. Click ok Apply to confirm.
    7. save Save your input by clicking on the icon in the top left-hand corner of the input window.
  • Declare ingredients in menu cards and custom menus

    The menu text is frequently used to provide allergen, ingredients and nutritional information, especially for combo items such as menus or buffets. Insert this text into the menu cards using a suitable menu card template.

    1. Go to the artikel General tab in the side navigation.
    2. At the bottom of the left-hand column, Uebersicht Enlarge the Menu card text field.
    3. Enter the menu card text.
    4. Place the cursor in the position you want in the text and click on Ingredients in the toolbar of the input window.
    5. Select the item for which you want to list the ingredients.
    6. The ingredients are inserted in the text as abbreviations. The abbreviations available here are specified under Administration Administration > Administration Settings > artikel Items > Artikelzusaetze  Properties.
      Ex.: <dec>8088</dec>
    7. Highlight the text and format as hochgestellt Superscript if you want to.
    8. Confirm your input by clicking OK in the bottom right-hand corner.

  • Link a sales item to a production item

    Sales items are all items that can be booked into an internal or external event segment (Creating an individual item). These can either be items that are sold on as received (beer, wine) or items that were first produced on-site (production items such as food). Create recipes for individual production items, then assign these to the sales items as components.

    1. Open an existing item or create a new item by clicking on artikel  Items >neu  New.
    2. Assign a suitable item group that may contain components.
      Example: Foods > Soups for the item "Cream of asparagus soup"
    3. Enter the Sales unit including Quantity and Contents unit .
      Example: Cream of asparagus soup per serving: 0.25 l
    4. Click on Komponenten  Components > neu New and add the production item you want from the search results.
    5. To create an item you need on-the-fly, click on Komponenten  Components > neuexpand Add > neu Create item.
      Example: Cream of asparagus soup PROI
    6. In the list of components, enter the quantity required per serving of the sales item in the Count (Quantity) column.
      Example: 0.25 for a serving of cream of asparagus soup @ 0.25 l
    7. Speichern Save your input by clicking on the icon in the top left-hand corner of the input window.
  • Create a production item and recipe

    Production items are items that have either already been processed on site or at least converted to the basic unit of 1 kg or 1 litre. Losses in weight or nutrionional value due to processing (cleaning, peeling, cooking) must be allowed for.
    Example: 1kg raw unpeeled potatoes (purchase item -PURI-) -> 0.8 kg raw peeled potatoes (production item -PROI-), or 1.2 kg raw unpeeled potatoes (purchase item -PURI-) -> 1 kg raw peeled potatoes (production item -PROI-)

    1. Open an existing item or a create a new item by clicking on artikel Item >neu New.
    2. If the list of components of the sales item is still open, add the assigned production item by clicking on edit Edit.
    3. Enter a unique name .
      Recommendation: Include "PROI" (production item) in the item name.
      Example: Cream of asparagus soup PROI
    4. Always specify 1kg or 1l or 1 piece as unit size.
    5. Assign an item group with components that belongs to the top group Production items.
    6. Speichern Save your input by clicking on the icon in the top left-hand corner of the input window.
  • Assign ingredients to the production item

    The correct specification of quantities and units in the recipe is essential for scaling the quantities based on the number of servings needed.

    1. Click on Komponenten Components > neu New and add the ingredients you want using the item search. Both purchase items or production items can be assigned as ingredients.
    2. To add an item on-the-fly, click on Komponenten  Components > neuexpand Add > neu Create item.
      Example: granulated bouillon, trimmed asparagus
    3. In the list of components, enter the quantity required per 1l or 1kg of the sales item in the Count (Quantity) column.
      Example: 0.1 for 100ml cream to one litre cream of asparagus soup
    4. Enter all other ingredients as components.
    5. Add work instructions in the Kitchen notes field on the General tab of the combo item.
    6. Speichern Save your input by clicking on the icon in the top left-hand corner of the input window.
  • Create a purchase item

    Purchase items are the basic items as purchased from the supplier - either unprocessed (example: raw potatoes) or processed goods (example: granulated bouillon). These items can be provided by several suppliers in different container sizes. Enter the details in the supplier item (Creating suppliers and supplier items). Create the purchase items in units of 1kg or 1l for easier scaling of recipes.M

    1. Open an existing item or a create a new item by clicking on artikel Item >neu New.
    2. If the list of components of the production item is still open, add the assigned ingredient by clicking on edit Edit.
    3. Enter a unique name .
      Recommendation: Include "PURI" (purchase item) and the sales unit in the item name.
      Example: cream PURI 1l, potato PURI 1kg, (possible but not recommended because of the conversion: potatoes PURI 20kg)
    4. Assign an item group that belongs to the top group Purchase items.
      Example: Purchase items > Produce
    5. Go to the Zusaetze Supplier items tab in the side navigation to enter Suppliers and Supplier items in order to use the Purchases module. Enable einkauf Purchases both for the master item and at least one supplier item.
    6. Enter details of ingredients, allergens and nutritional values under details Properties for later inclusion in recipes, sales items and menus.
    7. Speichern Save your input by clicking on the icon in the top left-hand corner of the input window.
  • Calculate the quantities based on actual demand

    Recipes are scaled up to meet actual demand by adjusting the number of servings.

    1. Go to the Komponenten Components tab in the side navigation.
    2. Enter the number of servings you want in the top line.
    3. Click on the Menge  Quantities button in the same line to display additional columns for Purchase items and their Purchase units.
    4. Go to the Datenblatt Datasheet tab in the side navigation to scale and print the recipe.
    5. Click on the Datenblatt <Select datasheet> button above the main window and select the recipe from the picklist.
    6. Above the main input window, correct the number of servings if necessary to scale the quantities you need.
    7. In the top toolbar, select drucker  Print,export festplatte  Export or E Mail Send as email attachment.
  • Calculate the cost of materials for the production item

    The material cost for the production item is based on the cost for all specified components.

    1. Go to the artikel General tab in the side navigation, select the PP (Purchase Price) and enable the from components option.
    2. The material cost of the production item will be displayed in the top right-hand corner of the list window as Total price based on the costs for the ingredients, but only if prices and quantities for the Komponenten Components have been entered.
    3. Click on the Zahlungen Prices button in the same line to display additional columns for Purchase prices and Contribution margins .
  • Calculate the purchase price for the sales item

    The material cost for the sales item is based on the cost for all specified components.

    1. Go to the artikel General tab in the side navigation, select the PP (Purchase Price) and enable the from components option to generate the purchase price an the basis of production costs.
    2. If you have entered prices for the purchase items, the raw material costs of the production item (at the top right of the list window) are indicated under Komponenten Components as the total price of the costs for the ingredients.
    3. Use the button Zahlungen prices in the same row to display additional columns with information on the purchase prices and contribution margins .
    4. Select the price group SP and enter a sales price.
    5. Speichern Save your input by clicking on the icon in the top left-hand corner of the input window.

  • Calculate contribution margins

    In jeder Veranstaltung können Deckungsbeiträge kalkuliertM und Preise angepasst werden. Die Berechnung bezieht sich ausschließlich auf Einkaufs- und Verkaufspreise, die in der Artikelverwaltung eingegeben werden.

    1. As soon as an event is created, the additional tab Kalkul Calculationappears in the left-hand event navigation. Open the calculation with a left click.
    2. Alternatively, open the Kalkul calculation in the process, in the pricing area at the top left of the input window.
    3. The input window for the calculation opens. At the top left of the input window, you can select from all the processes that have already been created.
    4. In the lower area, change the view (standard, price calculation, quantity calculation, etc.) to display various details. The columns with a dark background refer to data from the item or event that cannot be changed here.
      Note: Users with administrative authorisations can change views at Administration Administration >  Administration General settings >  Kalkul Calculation .
    5. Click on the desired item and change the price, the contribution margin in euros (DB €) or the contribution margin in % (DB %).
    6. The contribution margin is calculated from the sales price (net) minus the purchase price. The share of the contribution margin refers to the share of total sales that an item has.
    7. Click on ok Applyto apply the calculated prices to the event or discard the calculation via Abbrechen Reset. The price changes only apply to the event, the master data remains unchanged.

  • Ändern Sie vorhandene Artikelgruppen

    Bp Event bietet je nach Anwendungsbereich und Geschäftsfeld mehrere unterschiedliche Standardstrukturen für Artikelgruppen an. Auch wenn eine dieser Standardvorgaben eingerichtet ist, können die Artikelgruppen nötigenfalls geändert werden.

    1. Go to the Administration Administration tab on the function bar and click on Administration Settings > artikel Items.
    2. Um nur eine einzelne Artikelgruppe zu bearbeiten, öffnen Sie die Gruppe mit Doppelklick oder über edit Bearbeiten.
    3. Geben Sie die gewünschten Änderungen ein und Speichern Speichern diese.
    4. Um mehrere Artikelgruppen gleichzeitig  zu sehen und zu bearbeiten, klicken Sie auf Liste Verknuepft Tabellen.
    5. If a data maintenance list exists, use Actions on the list > Edit data in list to quickly change several item groups.
    6. Über Aktionen auf der Liste lassen sich auch Daten exportieren oder importieren und ProzesseM starten ().
    7. Assigned Background colours appear in the item itself and in the segments for which items of the selected group are booked.

    Beispiele Artikelgruppenstruktur
    Artikelgruppe Standard, Artikelgruppe Standard mit Produktion, Artikelgruppe Standard mit Einkauf und Produktion, Artikelgruppe Standard Stadthallen

  • Legen Sie eine neue Artikelgruppe an

    If you want to create your own item group structure or add to the existing groups, create new item groups.

    1. Go to the Administration Administration tab on the function bar and click on Administration Settings > artikel Items.
    2. Click under Item Groups on neu New Creation.
    3. Geben Sie eindeutige Namen für die Artikelgruppe an:
      a) Name Intern für die tatsächlich übliche Bezeichnung der Artikelgruppe
      b) Name Extern 1 ggf. als zusätzliche Kategorie für Konfigurationen Beispiel: Intern > Kalte Vorspeisen; Extern 1 > Vorspeisen
      c) Name Extern 2 als zusätzliche Kategorie für Konfigurationen, oft für die Hauptgruppe verwendet Beispiel: Intern > Kalte Vorspeisen; Extern 1 > Vorspeisen; Extern 2 > Speisen
    4. SpeichernSpeichern Save your input by clicking on the icon in the top left-hand corner of the input window.
  • Geben Sie die Eigenschaften der Artikel in dieser Gruppe an

    Under Item Assignment you set what items may be assigned to this item group. Multiple selection is not possible.

    1. For structuring purposes only: the group is a supergroup, which in turn contains only item groups, no real items
      Example: Upper group dishes contains antipasti, soups, salads
    2. Remark: the group contains subgroups or texts that are inserted into operations
      Recommendation: Check Fixed prices except forto exclude price entry for remarks. Remarks do not count as sales items and must not have prices.
      Example: Remark food, Remark drinks
    3. Bookable: the group contains subgroups with items that can be booked in operations and are listed in menu cards as dishes, drinks or side dishes (multiple selection possible) depending on the selection.
      Example: Goulash soup, Kaiserschmarrn, lemonade, portion of red cabbage
    4. Components: the items contained in the group may in turn contain components
      Example: menu, buffet, recipe
    5. StaffM the group contains subgroups or staff role items
      Example: Full-time staff, service staff
      Note: If you assign items to an item group for staff, the entry options in item maintenance change. When booking an item in this group, the process is marked with a separate icon Angebot Extern Personal  or Bestellung Extern Personal .
    6. Staff onlyM the group contains subgroups or persons
      Example: Full-time staff, part-time staff, temporary staff, Karl Meyer
      Note: If you activate the tick, the item maintenance changes especially for the creation of individuals. When an item is booked in this group, the segment is marked with a separate icon Angebot Extern Personal  or Bestellung Extern Personal . If an employee is already booked, the colour of the icon Angebot Extern Personal or Bestellung Intern Personalchanges.
    7. Default number: Items in this group are inserted with a predefined number when new bookings are made.
      a) Empty: maximum number of persons for the event.
      Example: dishes charged per person
      b) 0: Items are indicated with unit price but are not included in the grand total.
      Example: Drinks charged according to actual consumption
      c) 1 or other fixed input if useful
      Example:Room rent, staff
  • Geben Sie die Verwendung der Artikel in dieser Gruppe an

    At Item Usage you set what items of this group may be used for. Multiple selection is not possible.

    1. Real Sales item can be booked into external and internal segments, as well as inserted as components.
      Example: Veal shank with sauerkraut and mashed potatoes
    2. Items that are only intended as components occur in recipes or other component items, but cannot be booked themselves.
      Example: Sauerkraut, spice, potato
    3. Components, Internal and Costing Operations are items that are used internally for planning but are not offered in the external operation.
      Example: Rechaud, cutlery, kitchen roll
  • Legen Sie Artikelgruppen für einzelne Module an

    Für folgende Module müssen bestimmte Artikelgruppen (ggf. mit Untergruppen) vorhanden sein:

    1. PurchasesM: Purchase items
    2. Calculations, item details and recipesM and Production WebAppM: Production items
    3. Staff planning and online duty roster WebApp: role items and staff items
    4. TicketingM: Ticketing item

    Die konkreten Bezeichnungen der Gruppen und Untergruppen können frei gewählt werden, aber die u.a. Einstellungen müssen so wie angegeben vorgenommen werden.
    Beispiel: Einkaufsartikel könnten z.B. Basisartikel, Neutralartikel oder Grundartikel heißen, die Untergruppen des Ticketing könnten Event, Tickets und Menüs heißen.

    1. Einkaufsartikel: Einkaufsartikel bezeichnen die Rohware, wie sie vom Lieferanten abgenommen wird (nicht identisch mit Lieferantenartikel, der in unterschiedlichen Gebinden angeboten wird).
      Setting: Bookable, without components, use only as component
      Beispiel: Obergruppe Einkaufsartikel, Untergruppen z.B. Trockenwaren (Nudeln, Gewürze), Fleisch (Rindfleisch, Schweinefleisch), Gemüse (Brokkoli, Rotkohl), Molkereiprodukte (Milch, Sahne)
    2. Production items: Production items refer to items processed in the own enterprise, which are only offered for sale as a component and never alone, or purchase items converted to a standard unit of 1kg/1l.
      Einstellung: Bebuchbar, mit Komponenten, Verwendung nur als Komponente
      Beispiel: Obergruppe Produktionsartikel, Untergruppe Produktion kalt (geschälte Kartoffeln), Produktion warm (Geflügelfond), Produktion süß (Puddingcreme)
    3. Staff: Staff items denote both generic role items and real staff (with module Shift and Staff Planning only staff)
      Staff role: Staff > Standard number 0 > Sales item
      Staff (Person): Staff > Staff > Standard number 1 > Components, internal and costing operations
      Beispiel: Obergruppe Personal, Untergruppe Servicepersonal (Serviceleiter, Garderobiere, Franz Klein)
    4. Ticketing: Ticketingartikel bezeichnen sowohl die öffentliche Veranstaltung als auch die Eintrittskarten und Zusatzartikel
      Setting: Bookable, with components, sales item
      Bsp.: Obergruppe Ticketing, Untergruppe Öffentliche VA (Narrensitzung), Eintrittskarten (Kategorie 1-4), Zusatzartikel (Menü 1-3)
  • Sortieren Sie die Artikelgruppen

    New item groups always appear at the end of the list. Drag the new group to the desired position in the list by holding down the left mouse button. The item groups can be nested as deeply as desired.

    1. Select Einhaegen insertto insert the active item group as a subgroup in the target group.
    2. Select Anfuegen Addto insert the active item group below the target group but at the same level.
    3. Select Vereinigen Mergeto merge the active group and the target group.
      Wichtig: Alle Artikel der verschobenen Gruppe werden zur Zielgruppe hinzugefügt, die verschobene Gruppe verschwindet sofort.
  • Weitere Einstellungen für Artikelgruppen
    1. Allow the insertion of temporary items in the segment for the item group and, if necessary, the transfer of the temporary items to the purchasing overview.
    2. Prohibit manual price changes via Fixed prices except for , if necessary with exceptions for certain users or user groups.
    3. Aktivieren Sie ggf. eine Verfügbarkeitswarnung für Bestandsartikel.