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Using workflowsM

  • Create a new workflow template

    A well-documented and visualised business process helps with the induction of new staff, the optimisation of processes and troubleshooting. Assigning tasks and activities to departments or individual staff ensures that tasks are neither duplicated nor forgotten. Specifying a purpose makes it easier to check whether the workflow is achieving its goal.

    1. Go to the Basis  Home tab on the function bar.
    2. Click on the dropdown triangle next to Prozessexpand Workflows and select Prozess Vorlage Workflow templates > neu New. Alternatively, go to the icon vorlagen Templates tab and select Prozess Vorlage Workflows > neu New.
    3. Enter a Title for the workflow template and a code/short name in the second input field.
      Example: Processing a customer enquiry for an event
    4. Give the workflow template a version number to be able to track adjustments and changes. As soon as workflow documentation is saved based on a template, the structure of the template can no longer be changed. Assign a type to the workflow template from the expandable picklist for easier retrieval.
    5. Explain the workflow template in more detail in the fields Description and Purpose at the bottom of the input window.
      Example: Description: Procedure for initial customer enquiries. Purpose: Clarification of possible dates and initial customer requests for forwarding to the event office.
    6. Click on the Aktiv Nicht Inactive icon to Aktiv Activate the template and make it available to staff.
    7. save Save your input by clicking on the icon in the top left-hand corner of the input window.
  • Create a flowchart

    The workflow is visualised on the Ablauf Flowchart tab as a list (left) and a graph (centre).

    1. The first step Prozesse Aktion Start already exists. Open the details for this step by left-clicking either in the list on the far left or in the graphic.
    2. Alternatively, right-click and select edit Open.
    3. Enter a Title for the workflow step and a more precise Description in the Added fields.
      Example: Customer enquiry as the triggering action, the sales office is responsible. Enquiries are received by telephone, e-mail or fax.
    4. In the Properties in the execution section, define which conditions should apply to the workflow step, by whom and how the step may be executed and how it needs to be documented.
    5. Departments or individual staff who are to be responsible for this step can be inserted as Responsible .
  • Add further steps

    Add further steps to a workflow by right-clicking the last step. Each step can have its own name, description and responsible.

    1. If one action automatically triggers another, select Prozesse Aktion Add step.
    2. If an action allows for alternatives, select Prozesse Frage Add decision. Two options are created by deafult. Right-click the Decision toProzesse Option Add option for more choices.
    3. To add an existing workflow as a sub-workflow, select Prozess Vorlage Add sub-workflow.
      Example: In response to a customer enquiry (action 1), the sales rep checks the room occupancy for the desired date (action 2). If the room is occupied (option 1), a search can be made for other rooms or dates (action 3). If the room is free (option 2), further details on the event can be requested (sub-process 1).
    4. Select Checkliste Insert checklist to create a list with checkboxes that can be ticked off in the workflow documentation.
    5. If a workflow needs to be transferred to another colleague, go to Properties in the execution in the bottom right-hand corner and select a staff member or department from the picklist for the Push to field.
  • Connect workflow steps

    There are sometimes logical connections between workflow steps that do not follow on directly from one another. These are represented by arrows.

    1. Right-click the step from which the arrow originates and select arrowRight Insert link. Only one link can originate from any one step.
    2. Select the step to which the arrow is meant to lead from the picklist. Any number of connections can be made to any one step.
    3. Speichern Save your input by clicking on the icon in the top left-hand corner of the input window.
  • Delete workflow steps

    Sometimes steps in a workflow become unnecessary. Deleting individual steps can affect the whole workflow because dependent steps will also be deleted.

    1. To remove an individual action, right-click the step and select delete Delete.
    2. If you want to remove an action and all subsequent actions, decisions and options, right-click the step and select delete Delete (incl. successor actions).
    3. Deleting decisions and options will alway result in a loss of all subsequent options and actions.
    4. Speichern Save your input by clicking on the icon in the top left-hand corner of the input window.
  • Format the graphic workflow

    The graphic illustration of the flowchart can be individually formatted to some extent.

    1. Set the Font and Font size .
    2. Set the Numbering of the steps (none, line by line, steps)
    3. Set the Width/Height and Spacing of the boxes. The shape and colour of the boxes cannot be edited.
  • Create new workflow documentation

    Workflow templates are used both to support and document standard procedures. The templates can either be printed out and filled in or called up as templates for digital workflow documentation. To print a template on paper, open the template and go to the Datenblatt Datasheet tab.

    1. To document a workflow digitally, go to the Home Home tab on the function bar.
    2. Click on the dropdown triangle next to Prozessexpand  Workflows and select neu New and, if applicable, your company.
    3. A list of available templates will open. The list might vary depending on the user because not all users have identical access rights.
    4. Double-click or left-click a template and ok Confirm.
    5. The title of the workflow is pre-set in the template. Enter a standardised Subtitle in the top right-hand corner to identify the workflow.
      Example: Title is "Customer complaint", subtitle "Mauer, Karl dated 16/09/2018"
    6. Speichern Save your input by clicking on the icon in the top left-hand corner of the input window.
  • Follow the specified workflow flow

    Work through the steps individually on the tab Prozess General tab. The complete workflow is shown on the Ablauf Flowchart tab in overview.

      1. The first step is already open. Open the details for this flow step by left-clicking on the flow point in the list on the left.
      2. Follow the instructions in the description above the input window and enter any comments or attach external files for documentation in the Dokumentenablage Documents tab.
      3. For decision questions, select the appropriate option.
      4. Once one step is complete, click on Blaettern Zum Naechsten Next. The next step will open.
      5. Repeat the procedure for further steps until the workflow is completed or passed on to another user.
      6. Workflows assigned to you with "in progress" status will automatically appear your list of reminder Notifications until they are either completed or passed on to another user.
      7. Speichern Save your input by clicking on the icon in the top left-hand corner of the input window.
  • Complete the workflow

    The workflow can be either saved, completed, transferred to another user or cancelled.

    1. The workflow can be Speichern Saved for later processing and Speichern Schliessen Closed, provided this option is not prohibited in the template.
    2. As long as the workflow has "in progress" status and is set to your user, it will automatically appear in your list of reminder Notifications.
    3. To complete the workflow, open it by double-clicking in the reminder Notifications window, by clicking Prozess Workflows > History Most recent or by going through the Prozess Workflows >suche Search process.

    When all steps have been covered, the workflow is completed.

    1. After processing all steps of the workflow, the message "The workflow is now complete" will appear.
    2. To keep the workflow open for further changes, select Continue.
    3. To end the workflow, select Save and close.

    Some workflows involve several staff or departments, to whom it is transferred for further processing.

    1. When your step is finished, click on Blaettern Zum Naechsten Next.
    2. The next step will open. If another user has been entered in the template as responsible for the execution of that step, select Speichern Schliessen Save and close.
    3. The transferred workflow will then appear in the newly responsible user's list of notifications.

    In individual cases, it may make sense to cancel incomplete workflows because they have become irrelevant.

    1. Open the workflow and click on stop Cancel workflow in the top right-hand corner of the input window.
    2. Confirm the security prompt.