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Filing external documentsM

  • Create a document package under General Documents

    Externe Dokumente werden in Dokumentenpaketen entweder einzeln oder thematisch gruppiert abgelegt. Für Dokumente wie AGBs, Anfahrtsskizzen oder Preislisten, die immer wieder von allen Mitarbeitern gebraucht werden, gibt es die Ablage "Allgemeine Dokumente". Alle Dokumentenpakete, die nicht ausdrücklich zu einem einzelnen Datensatz (Adresse, Veranstaltung etc.) gehören, sollten hier abgelegt werden.

    1. Open a new document package on the tab icon vorlagen templates > Dokumentenablage documents > neu new creation .
    2. Give the document package a meaningful name.
    3. From the selection list, choose who should have the right to change as owner and which users or user groups should have a right to read the document package.
    4. Click on neu Add import festplatte Filesto select external documents from the hard drive or similar. Multiple selection is possible.
      Alternatively, documents can be inserted using drag drop. Drag the selected documents to the input window and release the left mouse button.
    5. Click on neu Add Dokumentenablage General documentsto transfer existing documents.
    6. Speichern Save your changes. The new document package is automatically stored in the "General documents" folder.
  • Create a document package for an existing record

    External documents that belong to a specific data record are stored there in a document package. Depending on the type of data record, new packages are created in different places.

    1. In der VA Veranstaltung öffnen Sie ein neues Dokumentenpaket über Neu Aus Neuanlage Dokumentenablage Dokumentenpaket in der horizontale Werkzeugleiste. Zu der Veranstaltung angelegte Pakete finden Sie in der seitlichen Navigationsleiste im infocenter Info Center unter der Datenbank Datenquelle > Dokumentenablage Dokumente.
    2. In der Adresse Adresse gehen Sie in der seilichen Navigationsleiste auf infocenter Info Center und aktivieren die Datenbank Datenquelle > Dokumentenablage Dokumente. Dann öffnen Sie über neuNeuanlage > Dokumentenablage Dokumentenpaket ein neues Paket.
    3. Bei neuen E Mail E-Mails wechseln Sie zum Reiter Anhang Anhänge und fügen über Neu Aus Hinzufügen import festplatte Dateien externe Dokumente ein.
    4. Bei neuen mail Internen Nachrichten legen Sie neue Dokumentenpakete unter dem Reiter Anhang Anhänge an.
    5. You will also find the artikel projekt document repository termine either in separate tabs, on the left in the navigation bar or as a separate input field in the  item szenarienverwaltung , in the project Ereigniskalender and in the  appointment , in Dokumentenablage scenarios   and entries in the event calendar  .
    6. Speichern Save your input by clicking on the icon in the top left-hand corner of the input window. The document package will automatically be saved against the record it was created for.
  • Copy documents from one document package to another

    External documents that are already saved in a document package can be copied into other packages.

    1. Open the existing Dokumentenablage document package. All further steps refer to this opened input window.
    2. Einzelne Dokumente aus dem Paket markieren Sie mit Linksklick und gedrückter Umschalt-Taste.
    3. To copy to another package, select Kopie aufklappen v2DokumentenAblage Liste Copy to another package.
    4. If the existing document package is linked to a data record (account, event, etc.), the system offers to create a new package for this linked data record.
    5. To create a completely new package, select neu New document package. No storage location is linked yet.
    6. Click in the horizontal toolbar on Verknuepfen Link to other record, and find the desired table and record.
    7. To copy the document into an existing package, select suche Search document package.
    8. The default storage location in the search is the folder General documents. Open the selection list by left-clicking to select one or more other folders.
    9. Apply the desired package from the list of results with ok Apply.
    10. Speichern Save your input by clicking on the icon in the top left-hand corner of the input window.
  • Insert documents from one document package into another

    External documents can be copied from other document packages.

    1. Open a new Dokumentenablage document package
    2. With Document list neu Add > Dokumentenablage General documents at the top right of the horizontal toolbar, open the folder Dokumentenablage General documents.
    3.  Mark individual document packages from the folder by left-clicking and holding down the Shift key and ok Apply them.
    4. Open the search for all documents and files by left-clicking on suche Search in the horizontal toolbar of the document list.
    5. The default search location is "General Documents". Click on the drop-down list to search in another folder.
      1. If you know the storage location of the document, select the desired table (account, event, etc.).
      2. If you do not know the location, select at the top of the selection window SelectAllSelect all lines and ok Apply.
      3. If you are looking for an inactive document package, select at the top of the selection window SelectNoneDiscard selection and ok Apply.
    6. Im Suchfeld Name geben Sie den Namen des Paketes ein.
    7. Im Suchfeld Enthaltenes Dokument geben Sie den Namen eines gesuchten Dokumentes ein.
    8. Klicken Sie auf suche Suchen und wählen Sie das gewünschte Dokument aus der Liste der Suchergebnisse.
    9. Speichern Save your input by clicking on the icon in the top left-hand corner of the input window.
  • Copy an entire document package to another record

    Packages with external documents that are already saved for a data set can be copied completely into other data sets. The prerequisite is that more than one document package is allowed in these contexts (e.g. for accounts, items, events).

    1. Open the existing Dokumentenablage document package. All further steps refer to this opened input window.
    2. Copy with Speichern > Kopie Save and copy at the top right of the horizontal toolbar the entire package within the original filing (account, event etc.).
      Note: If you do not copy the document package before you change the link, the package will disappear from the original data record.
    3. Use the pop-up triangle next to the linked record to select another record of the same type  ( suche account, event etc.   ) with  Select.
    4. To link the package to a data record in another table, first select Entfernen Delete assignment and then Verknuepfen Link to another data record.
    5. Select the table and record you want and Speichern Save your input.
  • Update documents in document packages

    Many existing document packages need to be updated regularly. To avoid having to delete and reinsert the documents each time, they can simply be reloaded. The prerequisite is that the name of the document remains the same.

    1. Open an existing Dokumentenablage document package.
    2. Click to select the desired document in the document list.
      1.  If the document has already been updated externally, click on edit Openimport festplatte Reload from diskin the horizontal toolbar.
      2. If the document has not yet been edited, click edit Openedit Open and make the desired changes.
      3. save Save then save the document and select Apply changes on request .
    3. save Speichern und schließen Sie dasDokumentenablage Dokumentenpaket.
  • Save email attachments as General Documents in a document package

    External documents that you receive as email attachments can be filed in document packages. Documents that are generally accessible and should not be linked to a specific data record are stored in the "General documents" folder.

    1. Open the email with a double click. It is not possible to file attachments from the preview.
    2. In the small editing window at the top right, mark the desired documents by left-clicking and holding down the Shift key.
    3. Click in the horizontal toolbar of the small  window on Dokumentenablage File in document package.
    4. Select neu New document packageto create a completely new package. 
    5. Enter the name of the document package and other fields (Create a document package as a general document).
    6. Speichern Save your input by clicking on the icon in the top left-hand corner of the input window.
  • Save email attachments in a document package linked record

    E-Mail-Anhänge können in einem Dokumentenpaket abgelegt werden, das mit einem Datensatz (Adresse, Veranstaltung, TerminM etc.) verknüpft ist.

    Place the attachment in an existing document package:

    1. Open the email with a double click. It is not possible to file attachments from the preview.
    2. In the small editing window at the top right, mark the desired documents by left-clicking and holding down the Shift key.
    3. In the horizontal toolbar of the small  window, click on Dokumentenablageaufklappen v2 File in document package.
    4. Select suche Search Document Package.
    5. In the search window, select in one or more storage locations.
    6. Speichern Save your input by clicking on the icon in the top left-hand corner of the input window.

    Create a new document package with a link to a record:

    1. Link the email to one of the available data records via Mail ablegen File in the horizontal toolbar.
      E.g.: address, event, date
    2. When asked, open the email and go to the tab Anhang attachments.
    3. In the small editing window at the top right, mark the desired documents by left-clicking and holding down the Shift key.
    4. In the horizontal toolbar of the small  window, click on Dokumentenablageaufklappen v2 File in document package.
    5. The first option offered is to store the linked address (event, appointment) via neu New creation .
    6. Speichern Save your input by clicking on the icon in the top left-hand corner of the input window.
  • Save email attachments externally

    External documents that you receive as e-mail attachments can be stored externally on the hard drive.

    1. Open the email with a double click. It is not possible to file attachments from the preview.
    2. In the small editing window at the top right, mark the desired documents by left-clicking and holding down the Shift key.
    3. Click in the horizontal toolbar of the small  window on export festplatte Save to disk.
    4. Your Explorer window opens. Select the desired storage location and save.
  • Search for documents or document packages

    External documents that are saved in a document package can be searched for using the name of the document, the name of the document package or the storage location.

    1. Open the search on the tab icon vorlagen Templates with a left click on Dokumentenablage Documents .
    2. The default search location is "General Documents". Click on the drop-down list to search in another folder.
      1. If you know the storage location of the document, select the desired table (account, event, etc.).
      2. If you do not know the location, select at the top of the selection window SelectAll Select all lines and ok Apply.
      3. If you are looking for an inactive document package, select at the top of the selection window SelectNone Discard selection and ok Apply.
    3. Enter the name of the package in the search field Name .
    4. Im Suchfeld Enthaltenes Dokument geben Sie den Namen eines gesuchten Dokumentes ein.
    5. Klicken Sie auf suche Suchen und wählen Sie das gewünschte Dokument aus der Liste der Suchergebnisse. Über Historie Letze Suchen öffnen Sie eine Liste der zuletzt durchgeführten Suchen, die Sie erneut ausführen oder aufrufen und ändern können (Searching for ...)