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Using to-do lists

Organise and assign tasks quickly and easily by creating checklists for all relevant records, such as events, appointmentsM, tasks, rooms or items.

  • Create a to-do list for a record

    A checklist can be created for many types of records, providing a summary of completed and pending tasks. This is helpful when working in a team, but also good for keeping track of one's own outstanding tasks.

    1. Open the record you want.
      Example: Event, item, task, appointmentM
    2. In the toolbar, click on Checkliste To-Do. If there is a to-do list already, the icon is highlighted in yellow and the number of to-do items is displayed.
      Important: If the record is only in nur lesen display mode and not input-enabled, the to-do list cannot be edited either. If necessary, first change the setting to edit edit mode.
    3. To auto-open the to-do list along with the parent record, click on the dropdown triangle next to the window title and select "Open automatically". The setting is user-specific and applies per database table (all appointments, all accounts, ...), not just per record.
      Example: the setting for accounts as selected by the user "Conference Team" then applies to all accounts opened by that user
    4. The list of existing tasks in the upper part of the window is complemented by the details of a currently selected list entry below. The list itself is not input-enabled.
    5. Make entries or changes in the details part of the window. Clicking on arrowRight  in the upper right-hand corner of the window will move the details to the right of the list instead of below it.
    6. Click on neu Add in the toolbar to insert a new line below the currently selected line.
    7. Alternatively, copy new to-dos neuaufklappen v2 > Vorlagenfrom template or from other records. To-do entries from records of the same type (event etc.) are offered first, followed by records of other types. Only tables which already have any to-do lists are listed here.
    8. Enter the name of the task and save Save your input by clicking on the icon in the top left-hand corner of the input window.
    9. To remove a task from the list, select the row you want and click on the second icon from the left in the toolbar Mail ablegen Archive.
    10. To delete the entry permanently, filter the entries via the third icon from the left for entries in the Mail ablegen Archive, select the line you want and click on delete Remove.
  • Enter more details about the to-do item

    By default, the input window opens with only the most important fields. Additional fields can be opened if required.

    1. Set the Prio normalaufklappen v2 Priority (urgency) of the task.
    2. Activate a save reminder Change notification if you want to be informed as soon as the to-do entry is edited.
    3. Use the expandable drop-down list next to the task title to assign a Category and Status. Create new categories in the list itself by clicking on edit Edit. Write each new category in a separate line.
    4. In the second line, select a Responsible user from the picklist.
      1. If you enter an kalender end date or Follow-up date, the to-do entry will appear in the infocenter Info Centre of the person responsible user (provided their view is set up accordingly).
      2. Inform responsible users directly by sending an mail Internal message linked to the to-do entry.
    5. In the third line, indicate how far the task has been completed.
      1. Tasks that cannot be processed further at the moment can be marked as stop Stalled due to an unrelated problem or details Information. The marked tasks are then highlighted in red and blue respectively in the list above.
      2. The progress bar corresponds to the percentage of completion of the task and can be changed by clicking on the bar or entering a percentage.
      3. In addition, estimated and actual time effort can be enetred if required.
    6. The Remarks text field offers room for more details.
    7. Click on neu More fields to insert Album Images or link an termine  AppointmentM.
    8. Additional company-specific Tabellendetails Added fields can be created and inserted by a user with administrative rights as required.
  • Search, filter and sort your to-dos

    To-do entries can be searched, filtered and sorted.

    1. Go to the bp Home tab on the function bar and click on Checkliste To-Dos > suche Search to find all existing to-do entries regardless of their parent record (accounts, events, etc.).
    2. Enter your criteria and click on suche Search. If necessary, refine your results by using the matchcode field in the toolbar.
    3. Double-click on the entry you want to open both the parent record and the to-do list focussed on the selected line.
    4. Use the fourth icon from the left to search by Progress. The status is not set actively, but results from the degree of completion entered per line. Each entry can have several statuses at the same time.
      1. Aktiv Active: are all tasks that have not been archived
      2. neu 0%: are all tasks for which no progress has been entered yet
      3. abspielen 1-99%: are all tasks for which a percentage of progress has already been noted
      4. Offene Mengen <100%: are all tasks that are unfinished
      5. ok 100%: are all tasks whose progress has reached 100%
    5. Use the fifth icon from the left to select by AdressTyping Category. Categories are user-defined in the expandable picklist in the lower part of the window. Select AdressTyping All to see entries of all existing categories, as well as those without a category.
    6. Entries serving as headings/for structuring are marked by a No Show Hide flag in the drop-down list of priorities. These entries are not displayed in the Info Centre.
    7. Emphasise individual lines using the Schriftstil font style (bold, underlined in italics). This formatting also affects lists.
    8. Save your preferred settings for to-do-lists by clicking Save Options Save settings in the toolbar.
  • Create a personal to-do list

    To create individual to-do lists independently of a specific record, use Tasks.

    1. Go to the bp Home tab on the function bar and click on meldung Tasks > neu New.
    2. Enter a Subject and click on Vertraulich Nicht to change the status to Vertraulich Confidential task.
      Note: Without this setting, both your tast and the linked to-do list remain visible to all other users.
    3. To auto-open the to-do list along with the parent record, click on the dropdown triangle next to the window title and select "Open automatically". The setting is user-specific and applies per database table (all tasks), not just this record.
    4. Open a new Checkliste To-Do list in the toolbar and create new to-dos or copy existing ones.
    5. save Save your input by clicking on the icon in the top left-hand corner of the input window.
  • Display your to-do list in the Info Centre

    To-do lists can be selected as a data source in the general infocenter Info Centre in the Follow-ups.

    1. Enter a Responsible user for each to-do item. This field defaults to the responsible for the parent record. Only the responsible persons sees the to-do list in their Info Centre.
    2. Enter either an end date or a follow-up date .
      Important:To-do entries without end or follow-up dates are only shown in the Info Centre if a filter is set for "All to-dos (creation date)".
    3. Select the Checkliste To-Dos as a data source in the infocenter Info Centre follow-ups.
    4. If required, left-click on the data source to Filter Filter by end or follow-up date, or also by to-do lists linked to certain tables.
      E.g.: Events, Accounts
    5. Double-click the linked record and the to-do list in the infocenter Info Center to open and focus automatically on the to-do list.