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Translations can also be entered as references to your own dictionary. If the approved translation of an original text changes, it is not necessary to correct each template translation individually, but only the entry in the dictionary. References are particularly suitable for templates, but can also be used in text documents.

  1. Display the bezug 4D expressions  in a text document to distinguish the database references from pure text (before version 12.1: on the toolbar of the tab Briefe Text ).
  2. Das zu der Sprache passende uebersetzen Wörterbuch wird automatisch in der horizontalen Werkzeugleiste angezeigt (vor Version 12.1: passend auswählen).
  3. Highlight the text you want to translate and click   uebersetzen Dictionary > Bezuege einfuegen Replace with translation reference.
  4. To ensure that the translation is capitalised at the beginning of the sentence, select Bezuege einfuegen Replace with translation reference (capitalisation).
  5. Speichern Save your input by clicking on the icon in the top left-hand corner of the input window