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Images from various sources can also be inserted into the letter.

  1. Via Bildexpand image in the toolbar of the text window, insert images Bild in Verlauf in the text history or Bild auf Seite on page .
    1. Select into the text gradientto insert the image appropriately into the text.
    2. Select to the pageto move the image to any position.
  2. Search for the desired image.
    1. For externally stored images, select Insert image > import festplatte Load from hard disk. The window of your explorer opens. Select an image by double-clicking on it.
    2. For pictures from the clipboard, select Insert Picture >  zwischenablage Load from Clipboard. The option is only offered if an image is actually stored in the clipboard. Alternatively, use the hotkey Ctrl+V.
    3. For images stored under a different record, select Insert image and the storage location of the image.
    4. For images from a connected camera, select Insert Image > scanner Integrated Camera.
  3. Change the size and resolution of the inserted images for printing or filing via Bildexpand >  Bildoptimierer Optimise images for printing. You will find further formatting options in the same place or in the context menu (right-click on the desired image).
  4. save Save your input by clicking on the icon in the top left-hand corner of the input window.