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A documented and visualised business process helps with the induction of new staff, the optimisation of processes and troubleshooting. Assigning tasks and activities to departments or individual staff ensures that tasks are neither duplicated nor forgotten. The formulation of the purpose makes it easier to check whether the process is achieving its goal.

  1. Go to the Basis  Home tab on the function bar.
  2. Klicken Sie auf den kleinen Pfeil expand neben Prozess Prozesse und wählen Sie Prozess Vorlage Prozessvorlagen > neu Neuanlage und ggf. den Betrieb. Alternativ gehen Sie über den Reiter icon vorlagen Vorlagen > Prozess Vorlage Prozesse > neu Neuanlage.
  3. Enter the title of the process template. The second input field allows you to enter a short name.
    Example: Processing a customer enquiry for an event
  4. Give the process template a version numberto be able to track adjustments and changes. As soon as process documentation is saved on the basis of a template, the structure of the template can no longer be changed. Assign a type to the process template via the expandable selection list to make searching easier.
  5. Explain the process template in more detail in the fields Description and Purpose at the bottom of the input window.
    Example: Description: Procedure for initial customer enquiries. Purpose: Clarification of possible dates and initial customer requests for forwarding to the event office.
  6. Aktiv Activate After completing the template, click on the icon Aktiv Nicht Not activeto make it accessible to staff.
  7. Speichern Sie die Prozessvorlage über Speichern oben links in der Werkzeugleiste des Eingabefensters (Strg+S).