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Generating an order/contract

  • Open a new order

    The order is the binding contractual basis for the supplier and customer.

    1. If no quote has been created, create by double-clicking or right-clicking on Ordner Bestellung Order Bestellung New Order .
      Gehen Sie genauso vor wie unter Wie schreibe ich ein Angebot beschrieben.
    2. To convert an existing Angebot quotation into an order, drag it onto the order in the side navigation bar by holding down the left mouse button (DragDrop).
      Hinweis: Ziehen Sie den gesamten Ordner Angebot Angebotsordner nach unten, um mehrere Angebot AngeboteM zu kopieren und in mehrere Bestellung Bestellungen umzuwandeln. Eine neue Bestellung öffnet sich, in der die Felder automatisch mit den Informationen des kopierten Angebots vorbelegt sind.
    3. Accept the default values or overwrite and add to the order as required.
    4. save Save your input by clicking on the icon in the top left-hand corner of the input window.
  • Change segment data in the order

    Auch wenn Sie Artikel aus dem Angebot übernehmen, können Sie sowohl Preise als auch die Anzahl weiterhin ändern.

    1. Enter the number of items in the column Number (Anz.) .
      1. To automatically adopt the maximum number of persons for the event, leave the column No. empty. (Example dishes)
        Bei häufigeren Änderungen der Personenzahl muss diese dann nur einmalig im Feld Maximale Personenzahl in der Werkzeugleiste der Veranstaltung geändert werden. Die Personenzahl wird in allen Vorgangstypen (Angebot, Bestellung, Rechnung) als Anzahl der Artikel übernommen, in denen die Spalte Anz. leer ist.
        Example: Food
      2. Select Quantity 0 if the item is to be listed in the offer/contract with the unit price, but may not yet be included in the cost calculation. This is important in advance for items for which the consumption is still unknown.
        Example: Beverages
      3. Select Quantity 1 or any number if the item is to be sold by piece in the quote / contract.
        Example: Technology items
    2. Use neuexpand Add in the horizontal toolbar of the process to add further items that were not included in the offer or order, or remove items using Entfernen Remove.
    3. Change item names or item prices afterwards.
      Note: If you change item prices, they will be highlighted in colour in the segment:
      1. red for negative deviation from the actual item price (discount)
      2. green for positive deviation from the actual item price (mark-up)
    4. Subsequently enter clock times for items that are charged on an hourly basis.
      Note: Change the segment item view from Standard to Time reference if you want to enter times.
  • Process repeat or new orders from the conference service/logistics mobile WebApp

    If your service or logistics team uses the Conference Service mobil* or Logistics mobil* WebApp, the bookings made there also appear simultaneously in the full client.

    1. As soon as an item status or quantity is changed in the WebApp, the original  order folder is saved and supplemented by an operational variant of the process. The exact name of the two variants is decided by a user with administrative rights during the set-up.
      Example: "Original orders" and "Orders including conference app"
      1. Additional items added to an order will appear in that order.
      2. New orders appear as "Order from Conference App" (or similar) in the new active folder.
      3. New returns also appear in the new active folder.
    2. In addition, the responsible departments or users can be informed of changes by e-mail, for example, depending on the individual settings.
    3. Continue processing the active order variant as usual.