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In der Übersicht kann direkt eine neue Einkaufsbestellung für offene Bedarfsmengen angelegt werden (Wie bestelle ich Verbrauchsartikel ohne Veranstaltungsbezug).

  1. Left-click on the button Offene MengenOpen quantities on the horizontal toolbar of the main window to display only the requirement quantities for which there is no purchase yet. Open requirement quantities are highlighted in red.
  2. Select a supplier from the list at the bottom right. New, embeddable columns appear in the list of requirement items and only the items that the selected supplier can supply.
  3. Enter the quantity (packaging units) or quantity (content unit) of the item you wish to order from the selected supplier in the corresponding column. Click on ok Adopt values to adopt the value of the open quantity/number as the order quantity.
    Note: As long as no supplier has been selected, the columns Quantity and Quantity do not appear.
  4. If the ordered quantity corresponds exactly to the demand, the column Open turns white. If there is a shortage, the column remains red; if there is a surplus, the column is green.
  5. Select neu Order neu CreateBestellung Orderto create a brand new order (Open a new purchase or Create a new delivery).
  6. Select neu Order einkauf PurchaseBestellung Order if you want to add a new delivery to an existing purchase.