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To-Do-Listen können als Datenquelle im Allgemeinen infocenter Info Center im unteren Bereich Wiedervorlage angezeigt werden.

  1.  Under the description of a task, enter who should be responsible for it. By default, the responsible person of the linked record is preset. Only the responsible persons get the to-do list displayed in their Info Centre.
  2. Enter either a kalender target date or a kalender resubmission date .
    Important: Without a date, the to-do list is only displayed in the Info Centre if the filter "All to-dos (creation date)" is selected.
  3. In the infocenter Info Centre , select the Checkliste To-Dos as the data source.
  4. Filter Filter If necessary, left-click on the data source to filter by target or Follow-ups date, or also by to-do lists linked to certain records.
    E.g.: Events, addresses
  5. Open the linked record and the to-do list in the infocenter Info Center with a double click. The focus is automatically on the to-do list.