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Using room reservations

  • Open the room reservations

    The room reservations overview gives an at-a-glance status of available and occupied rooms. Some views list all rooms, others only the booked rooms. In some views, you can create events on-the-fly.

    1. Go to the Basis Home tab on the function bar.
    2. Click on the dropdown triangle next to VAexpand Eventsand select expand Room reservations.
    3. The room reservations overview will opens for the current date.
    4. Select your preferred View in the toolbar:
      1. In the cal view cards Tiles view (Shift+F5), there are individual blocks for each room, in which the entries are sorted chronologically. The different room groups are colour-coded. Double-click on a room to create a new event and select a date from the picklist. The date and room will be pre-assigned to the new event as it opens. Only the tiles view will include ruestzeit Set-up times per event.
      2. The Kalender 15 Calendar view shows one day per column like a conventional desk calendar, with 30-minute intervals. All-day entries appear at the top of the column. The various events are shown side by side. As long as no rooms have been booked, the calendar appears empty. Double-click on a date to create a new event and select a room from the picklist. The date and room will be pre-assigned to the new event as it opens. If you have selected a period of time by dragging with your left mouse button pressed down, the times of the new event will also be pre-assigned. Only one room can be selected in this way, further rooms must be added in the event itself.
      3. The cal view timeline Timeline with headers view (Shift+F6), both days and times are arranged horizontally. All rooms are grouped and listed underneath each other. Room groups and events are colour-coded. Double-click on a date and room to create a new event. The date and room will be pre-assigned to the new event as it opens. If you have selected a period of time by dragging with your mouse pointer with your left mouse button pressed down, the times of the new event will also be pre-assigned. Only one room can be selected in this way, further rooms must be added in the event itself.
      4. In the cal view timeline2 Timeline with line labelsview (Shift+F6), both days and times are arranged horizontally. All rooms are grouped and listed in the first column. Room groups and events are colour-coded. Double-click on a room and date to create a new event. The date and room will be pre-assigned to the new event as it opens. If you have selected a period of time by dragging your pointer with your left mouse button pressed down, the times of the new event will also be pre-assigned. Only one room can be selected in this way, further rooms must be added in the event itself.
      5. The cal view days Table view (Shift+F7) lists all bookings per room and room group in one column per day and in chronological order. Detailed times are given in the entries themselves.
      6. In the cal view list List view, entries are sorted chronologically, with all-day entries at the very top. There is no grouping by room. As long as no rooms have been booked, the calendar appears empty. Double-click on a date to create a new event and select a room from the picklist. The date and room will be pre-assigned to the new event as it opens.

    Note: Room details are only shown if they have been specified under Administration Administration > raeume  Rooms .

  • Search for a specific date, period or day of the week

    Limit your search to a specific date, a certain period of time or one day of the week.

    1. Select a date from the kalender Date picker or by entering it directly in the date field.
    2. To show a specific period, select the number of Days starting from the specified date in th edate field. A maximum of 31 days will be listed.
    3. Click on Kalender 7 Selected weekdays only to limit the list to events on those days of the week. Select the weekdays you want from the list and ok Apply. The number of days entered earlier will automatically switch to a number of weeks.
      The list will change to showing Weeks instead of days.
      Ex: Friday, Jan 7, 2022 > Weekday: Friday , number of 5 weeks: 07/01, 14/01, 21/01, 28/01 and 04/02
    4. Click on SelectNone Discard selection and ok Apply in the weekday selection list to reset the display to days instead of weeks.
  • Search for specific rooms

    Filter the rooms by type, booking status or size. The filter options are located in the toolbar.

    1. Select one or more groups from the Raumgruppe Room groups picklist. The number of selected groups is shown next to the button. Click on the name of a room group in the list for a complete list of all the rooms in that group.
    2. Filter for rooms with Any status, Availabel only or Reserved only.
    3. To limit the list to rooms of a certain size, enter a minimum or maximum number of people in the Capacity fields.
      Note: You can only filter by room capacity if the number of people is specified under Administration Administration > raeume Rooms .
    4. Enable the option for showing Raum ueber unter Rooms/Sub-rooms in your standard settings if you have subordinate spaces.
      Ex: a cloakroom that is booked along with a reception room
  • Save your settings

    If you often need to set the same filters to search for specific rooms or times, save these settings as default.

    1. Select a preferred view (such as cal view cards Tiles, cal view list List or cal view timeline Timeline).
    2. Choose your preferred rooms.
    3. Select a standard time range.
    4. Click on Save Options Save settings.
    5. The room reservations overview will now always open with the saved settings