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Filter the rooms by type, booking status or size. The filter options are located in the toolbar.

  1. Select one or more groups from the Raumgruppe Room groups picklist. The number of selected groups is shown next to the button. Click on the name of a room group in the list for a complete list of all the rooms in that group.
  2. Filter for rooms with Any status, Availabel only or Reserved only.
  3. To limit the list to rooms of a certain size, enter a minimum or maximum number of people in the Capacity fields.
    Note: You can only filter by room capacity if the number of people is specified under Administration Administration > raeume Rooms .
  4. Enable the option for showing Raum ueber unter Rooms/Sub-rooms in your standard settings if you have subordinate spaces.
    Ex: a cloakroom that is booked along with a reception room