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Using the Logistics mobile WebAppM

  • Launch the logistics mobile app

    Die Logistik mobil WebApp läuft als Webanwendung über jeden beliebigen Browser. Der IT-Administrator vergibt die Berechtigung dazu und teilt Ihnen die nötige URL, Benutzername und Passwort mit.

    1. Open a web browser.
    2. Geben Sie die URL für Logistik mobil ein oder rufen Sie sie über ein Lesezeichen auf.
    3. Enter your username and password and tap log in.
    4. If you are offered several user roles, select the KonferenzLogistik conference/logistics client . Otherwise, the correct client will open automatically.
  • Find all the important information of the day in the Info Center

    At infocenter Info Center you will find all the important information of the day. Depending on the operating setting, you will see Events, Dates or other data. Tap on a line to open the data record (event or similar) directly.

    1. Tap the top button infocenter Info Center.
    2. Das Info Center öffnet sich zum aktuellen Tag. Um ein anderes Datum zu wählen, tippen Sie auf die Pfeile cal arrow right vor bzw. cal arrow left zurück, oder öffnen Sie die Kalenderauswahl mit Tipp in das Datumsfeld.
    3. If necessary, limit the times that you want to be displayed.
      Example: only the dates from 15:00 - 24:00
    4. You can also filter the events displayed via Room groups or Rooms.
      Example: only the data for the meeting rooms or only meeting room 1
    5. Depending on your authorisation, you can only see your own events or those of others. If necessary, filter by User.
      E.g.: only your own data or also that of your team or a colleague
    6. Go directly to the selected entry by tapping on a line.
    7. Tap betrieb in the top left-hand corner to return to the homepage.
  • Find a listing of all events of the day under Events

    In the event list you will find all VA events in chronological order. The event view is used to provide an Summary of an entire event on the one hand, and to list the details of each individual Bestellung order on the other. By tapping on a line, you open the selected event directly and can edit existing orders as well as add new ones. New events cannot be created here.

    1. If you want to open a specific event whose number you know or for which you have a QR code , enter it directly.
    2. For a daily list, tap the button VA Events.
    3. The list opens on the current day. To select a different date , tap on the arrows cal arrow right before or cal arrow left back, or open the calendar selection by tapping in the date field.
    4. Filter via the status of the orders.
      Bsp.: nur die Bestellungen, die schon bestückt wurden
    5. Filter by occasion if necessary.
      Example: only the champagne receptions
    6. Depending on your authorisation, you can only see your own events or those of others. If necessary, filter by User.
      Bsp: nur die eigenen Daten oder auch die Ihres Teams oder einer Kollegin
    7. Tap on a line to go directly to the selected VA eventto see the existing orders, change them or accept new orders.
    8. Tap betrieb in the top left-hand corner to return to the homepage.
  • Find all orders per event

    On each day, several events can be available one after the other or at the same time. Tap on a line in the event list to open the desired event directly with a list of orders.

    1. At the top you can see the existing Bestellung orders for this event.
    2. Darunter finden Sie Schaltflächen zum Anlegen von Bestellung Neuen BestellungenBestellung Retoure Retouren oder ok Aktivitäten.
    3. Depending on the setting, there is also the option to have the entire event edit Acknowledge and open a Lagerartikel Packing list filtered for the selected event.
  • Find all items per order

    For each event, there can be several segments in succession or at the same time. By tapping on a line in the list of events, you directly open a list of items for this order.

    1. Open the desired order by tapping on a line in the list of segments.
    2. The list of ordered items is first sorted according to the current item status, then alphabetically: at the top are the items with an "earlier" status, below those with a "later" status.
      For example: first the items with status "assembled", then the items with status "stocked", finally those with status "delivered".
    3. Use the "Show only changeable" button to hide all items that either do not have the currently selected status or whose status can no longer be changed.
      Example: You have selected the status "delivered", all items with a different status are hidden.
      You have selected the status "consumed", all items are hidden because items with this status can no longer be changed.
    4. If necessary, hide all items with , which do not yet have a number, via the button Hide number 0 .
  • Change the status of the ordered items

    Der Status des Artikels zeigt an, in welcher Phase der Bearbeitung er sich gerade befindet. Je nachdem, welchen Status ein Artikel hat, können Sie einen anderen (nächsten) Status zuweisen. Von welchem Status ausgehend auf welchen neuen Status umgestellt werden kann, wird in den Administrativen Einstellungen durch einen Konfigurator vorgegeben.
    Example: Items can be changed from status "delivered" to status "consumed", but not from status "consumed" to status "prepared".

    1. Select the status that the items you want to see currently have. If all items have the same status, it is already preset.
    2. Select the status that the items are to be given. The logical order of the statuses is predefined, so that often only one status can be selected.
    3. Only the items that have the selected status can be edited. Depending on the setting, it is possible to change all items with this status together via ok OK next to the selected status. Otherwise, tick off the items individually.
  • Change the count or enter a comment

    The planned quantity/number of items sometimes has to be changed spontaneously - either reduced (e.g. in the event of breakage) or increased (e.g. in the event of an unagreed excess delivery).

    1. Die geplante Anzahl von Artikeln steht in der zweiten Spalte und ist auch in der dritten Spalte vorbelegt.
    2. Die vorbelegte dritte Spalte ist eingebbar, geben Sie hier bei Bedarf die neue Anzahl ein.
    3. Tap Notiz Commentto explain the changed number, if applicable.
      Example: 5 cups of coffee were planned, one fell off the serving trolley.
      Two crates of water were planned, but the customers spontaneously asked for another crate.
  • Add more items to the order

    Sometimes you need to spontaneously add more items to an order. You can do this directly in the order.
    Example: No juice was planned for the process, but it is spontaneously requested and brought.

    1. In the "Add item" search window at the top left, enter the name of the item you want and tap suche Search.
    2. The beginning of a word is sufficient to display a list of possible items for selection. The search can also be carried out via PLU .
    3. In the dialogue window, enter the number and, if necessary, change the status.
    4. Enter an explanation of the reorder in the remarks field and save you.
    5. The newly added items appear in the open order, categorised by status and alphabet.
    6. To create a completely new order, you must first open the linked VA event via the button at the very top above the ordered items.
  • Create a new order for an event

    To create a new order, open the event either via the button above a list of ordered items or via betrieb HomeVA Events. Tap on the desired event to see the existing orders at the top and to create new orders below.
    Example: In the course of a conference, there is a demand for an additional coffee break.

    • Tap Bestellung New order.
    • Datum und Uhrzeit sind mit Tag und Zeiten der Veranstaltung vorbelegt, können aber geändert werden.
    • If necessary, select a cost centre and enter a remark
    • Add new items via the item search or the QR code .
    • Enter the name of the customer placing the order.
    • Get a signature for the order:
      1. Activate the signature field by tapping on edit Edit.
      2. Have the client sign it.
      3. Apply the signature.
      4. save Save your input by clicking on the icon in the top left-hand corner of the input window.
    • Die neu hinzugefügte Bestellung erscheint zum angegebenen Zeitpunkt chronologisch eingeordnet in der Raumliste sowie in der Liste der Bestellungen dieser Veranstaltung.
  • Create a new return for an event

    You can document the return of deposit items via Bestellung Retoure Returns for the existing orders. As soon as these items are assigned a specific status, they appear on the list of items due for return.

    1. Tippen Sie in der VA Veranstaltung auf Bestellung Retoure Neue Retoure.
    2. A list of all itemsthat can be returned opens.
    3. Die Anzahl der ausgegebenen Artikel erscheint links, die Anzahl der zurückgenommenen Artikel wird in der rechten Spalte eingetragen. Es können auch einzelne Artikel zurückgenommen werden.
      Example: A crate of six bottles was issued, only four are returned.
    4. Tippen Sie auf die Schaltfläche Bestellung Retoure Retoure.
    5. The specified items will be booked as returns and the deposit will be deducted from the invoice total.
  • Post unreturned deposit items per event

    Not all deposit items are returned properly. Some deposit items are charged at the deposit price (e.g. bottles), for equipment the replacement value is applied.

    1. Tippen Sie in der Veranstaltung auf Bestellung Retoure Neue Retoure.
    2. Es öffnet sich eine Liste aller Artikel, die zurückgenommen werden könnten.
    3. Die Anzahl der ausgegebenen Artikel erscheint links, die Anzahl der nicht zurückgegebenen Artikel wird in der rechten Spalte eingetragen.
      Bsp.: Ausgegeben wurde eine Kiste mit sechs Flaschen, zwei wurden nicht zurückgegeben.
    4. Tippen Sie auf die Schaltfläche Bestellung Retourenabrechnung Reste.
    5. The specified items are entered on the invoice as breakage/not returned deposit items.
  • Get a signature for the entire event

    At the end of an event, have a signature confirm receipt for all items delivered. A user with administrative rights determines whether this option is available in your business. It is also determined here for which status the overall signature can be obtained.

    1. In the event, tap edit Acknowledge.
    2. A list of all delivered orders and itemsopens.
    3. The number of items issued appears on the right and can no longer be changed here.
    4. Get a signature for the event:
      1. Activate the signature field by tapping on edit Edit.
      2. Have the client sign it.
      3. Apply the signature.
      4. save Save your input by clicking on the icon in the top left-hand corner of the input window.
    5. All signed-off items automatically receive the internal status (e.g. "Received").
  • Create a new task for an event

    With a new ok activity for an event, you indicate to colleagues that a task needs to be completed in connection with the event.
    Example: Additional cleaning of the conference room is necessary.

    1. In the event, tap ok New activity.
    2. Das Eingabefenster für eine neue Aktivität öffnet sich.
    3. Der Betreff ist bereits mit dem Namen der Veranstaltung vorbelegt, und die Veranstaltung selbst ist mit der Aktivität verknüpft.
    4. Select who (group or person) should be responsible for the new activity via neu Add .
      Example: Housekeeping department
    5. Enter a short description of the activity.
    6. Speichern Save your input by clicking on the icon in the top left-hand corner of the input window.
  • Find packing list for a list of all items ordered

    In der Lagerartikel Packliste finden Sie alle Artikel, die für diesen Tag gebucht sind, und viele Möglichkeiten zum Filtern der Daten. Die Artikel sind alphabetisch sortiert. Die Packliste dient dazu, alle bestellten Artikel veranstaltungsgenau zu richten und einzupacken.

    1. Tippen Sie auf die Schaltfläche Lagerartikel Packliste.
    2. Die Packliste öffnet sich am aktuellen Tag. Um ein anderes Datum zu wählen, tippen Sie auf die Pfeile cal arrow right vor und cal arrow left zurück, oder öffnen Sie die Kalenderauswahl mit Tipp in das Datumsfeld.
    3. If necessary, limit the times that you want to be displayed.
      Example: only the dates from 15:00 - 24:00
    4. Filtern Sie die angezeigten Veranstaltungen nach Artikelgruppen, Raumgruppen oder Räume.
      Bsp.: nur das Geschirr für Tagungsraum 1
    5. Depending on your authorisation, you can only see your own events or those of others. If necessary, filter by User.
      Bsp: nur die eigenen Daten oder auch die Ihres Teams oder einer Kollegin
  • Change the status or item count in the packing list

    By tapping on a line, you directly open the item with a list of all segments and events for which it has been ordered. Use the button details Load all details  to open the list of orders directly for all items, and you can change the status or quantity directly.

    • Under each item you can see the current quantity and the current status of the ordered items. Both are preset, but can be changed.
    • Tap ok OKto change the status of the listed items.
    • Tippen Sie auf VA Veranstaltung, um die verknüpfte Veranstaltung zu öffnen, oder gehen Sie über betrieb ganz oben links zurück zur Startseite.