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Rooms that have already been allocated sometimes have to be changed.

  1. In the function bar, go to VAexpand Events > va raumuebersicht Room allocation.
  2. Select the va raumuebersicht Summary or a cal view timeline timeline for the desired day.
  3. Click on the room booking and drag it to the new room by holding down the left mouse button.
  4. Confirm the security enquiry with Move.
    Note: Open events cannot be moved in this way. Close the affected event before moving it in the room Summary.
  5. Check for overlaps in room bookings via check in the toolbar of the room booking window in the event.
  6. save Save your input by clicking on the icon in the top left-hand corner of the input window.

Note: Rooms can also be changed directly in the VA basis of the event at rooms or in the left navigation of the event.