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Changing an event

  • Open an existing event

    Once an event has been created, the event search offers various options for finding existing data.

    1. Um eine Veranstaltung aufzurufen, die Sie erst vor kurzem bearbeitet haben, klicken Sie in der Funktionsleiste auf den kleinen Pfeil neben VAexpand Veranstaltungen, und wählen Sie History Zuletzt geöffnet ().
    2. You can find an event that you edited a long time ago using the event search. To do this, click directly on the icon for VA Events or use the hotkey F12 in the toolbar.
      Alternativ gehen Sie auf den kleinen Pfeil neben VAexpand Veranstaltungen > suche Suchen. Hier finden Sie weitere Suchoptionen, wie die Suche nach VorgaengeVorgängen, Vorgang Artikel Vorgangsartikeln und VA Ohne Datum 32Veranstaltungsentwürfen ().
    3. Search for the event by date, keyword or status, or via linked data such as organiser, room bookings or offers.
    4. Select the event you are looking for from the list of results by double-clicking on it.

    An event whose date is known can also be opened via the Info Centre calendar and the room occupancy on the corresponding day.

    Eine ausführliche Anleitung zur Suche finden Sie hier:

  • Enter more details on the event

    Many details of the event only emerge in the course of the organisation. Record all important information where it can be found by all staff members.

    1. In the event navigation on the left under the basic page of the event, select the tab details Details. Your company determines which fields should appear on the details page in consultation with your Bp event supervisor when setting up the software.
    2. Make changes and fill in more fields.
    3. save Save your input by clicking on the icon in the top left-hand corner of the input window.
      Note: The changes (e.g. date, time, user) can be viewed in detail via the Historie change log at the top right of the input window.
  • Change the date of the event

    If the date of an event changes, it is simply moved and does not have to be created again.

    1. To change the date of the event, click on the small arrow next to the kalenderexpand date selection on the base page of the event, select Kalender Verschieben Tag Move day and click on the new date.
      Alternatively, go to the date field and enter the new date.
    2. Confirm the security enquiry with Move.
    3. Gibt es bereits einen Ablauf VeranstaltungsablaufM, bestätigen Sie die Meldung auch mit Verschieben.
  • Change the rooms of the event

    Rooms that have already been allocated sometimes have to be changed.

    1. In the function bar, go to VAexpand Events > va raumuebersicht Room allocation.
    2. Select the va raumuebersicht Summary or a cal view timeline timeline for the desired day.
    3. Click on the room booking and drag it to the new room by holding down the left mouse button.
    4. Confirm the security enquiry with Move.
      Note: Open events cannot be moved in this way. Close the affected event before moving it in the room Summary.
    5. Check for overlaps in room bookings via check in the toolbar of the room booking window in the event.
    6. save Save your input by clicking on the icon in the top left-hand corner of the input window.

    Note: Rooms can also be changed directly in the VA basis of the event at rooms or in the left navigation of the event.

  • Change several events at the same time (event matching)

    Only make changes to series events once and apply them to all other events in the series.

    Please note: When synchronising events, all details of the template are transferred completely and definitively, with the exception of the date and the event number.

    1. Add the desired changes to an event in the series (room, times, number of people, items ordered, etc.) and Speichern save save the event.
    2. Call up  via VA Event > suche Search the desired other events.
    3. Hold down the Ctrl key and left-click to select one or more hits from the list.
    4. Right-click > Filter Filter entry or SelectAll Show selected records or delete Remove to narrow down your selection of events even more precisely, if necessary.
    5. In the list of remaining events, left-click the changed event whose details (with the exception of date and VA no.) are to be transferred to all others.
    6. Click on the toolbar at Aktion Auf Liste Perform actions on list > Aktion Auf Liste Align events.

    Hinweis: Mehrtägige VeranstaltungenM und Veranstaltungen mit bereits erstellten Rechnungen können nicht angeglichen werden.