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Using the Production WebApp

  • Start the Production WebApp

    The ProductionApp runs as a web application via any browser. It must be started by a user with authorisation for web access. The IT administrator assigns this authorisation and provides you with the necessary URLs and passwords

    1. Open a web browser.
    2. Enter the URL of the production WebApp and, if applicable, the company or call it up via a bookmark.
    3. Log in with your user name and password .
    4. The ProductionApp initially only opens for viewing.
      Note: Entries or changes are not yet possible.
    5. Exit the production WebApp by closing the browser window. It is not necessary to log out.
  • Sign up for the Production WebApp to be able to change the production status of the items

    Every employee can see the data in the app. However, staff must be logged in as users to be able to change the status of orders or pick orders. The IT administrator creates these users.

    1. Select your Benutzer Koch 24 user name in the page header if logging in via selection keys.
    2. Log in via waiter key if there is the possibility to do so in your establishment. The waiter key is set up on the PC and is not part of the app.
    3. You are now authorised to change the status of production items or to pick items.
    4. To log out, set the tick again to Benutzer Koch 24 Select user or pull out the waiter key.
  • Select a time period

    Various views are available. The header bar with the date selection remains in each view.

    1. Click on Today or enter a different date.
    2. Select for how many days (1, 2,3,5 or 7) you want the production plan to be displayed.
    3. If the date is too far in the future, the items cannot yet be accepted for editing.
  • Select kitchen station, production area and item groups

    For a better overview, staff can only display the items for which they are responsible. There are several filters with drop-down lists above the production plan for this purpose.

    1. Select your kitchen station on the far left by left-clicking or tapping on the selection list and the desired area.
    2. ok Apply you enter the information ("Filter"). Several stations can be selected.
    3. Also select your production area with left click or tap.
    4. Select one or more item groups in the same way.
    5. Click on Filter Delete all filtersto display all items again.
    6. To remove individual entries, open the selection list again and tap on the entry again.
  • Sort the production plan

    The tab Messer 24 Production plan displays all items that have been ordered in the selected period. The order of the items is alphabetical. Click on Sortto change the order:

    1. Ab Küche aufsteigend (nur für einen Tag möglich): sortiert nach Zeitpunkt der Fertigstellung vom frühesten zum spätesten
      Bsp.: erst alle Artikel, die um 7:30 fertig sein müssen, danach die Artikel, die um 9:00 fertig sein müssen
    2. From kitchen descending (only possible for one day): sorted by time of completion from latest to earliest
      Example: first all items that have to be ready at 17:30, then the items that have to be ready at 15:00
    3. Alles kommissioniert
      Bsp.: erst alle Artikel, die für alle Bestellungen kommissioniert sind
    4. Nothing commissioned
      Example:  first all items, that are not picked for any order
    5. Commissioning in progress
      Example: first all items that are partially picked
  • Take over an item for processing

    All items ordered for the selected period appear on the first tab Messer 24 Production plan . The required quantity is summarised for master items for which a recipe is available in the database. Temporary items for which there is no recipe are displayed individually.
    Note: Only items from the current day can be accepted for editing.

    1. Click or tap on the icon Messer 24 Production status of the desired item.
    2. An input window opens. The ordered quantity is preset as Planned quantity .
    3. You can change the specified quantity if required and enter a comment .
    4. Then tap In progress. To be able to mark the item as In work , you must have logged in beforehand.
    5. Der Artikel ist jetzt markiert als Messer gelb 24 In Arbeit und erscheint zusätzlich auf dem Reiter Messer gelb 24 Produktionsstatus. Hier erscheinen nur Artikel, die entweder in Arbeit oder schon fertig sind.
  • View the item recipe

    For master items for which a recipe is stored, all ingredients are displayed directly in the required quantity.

    1. The main ingredients of the item appear directly in the Messer 24 production plan directly under the name of the production item.
      Which ingredients are considered main ingredients is specified in the item itself by a user with appropriate rights.
    2. Tap Artikel Komponent 24 Recipeto view the full recipe with all ingredients and working instructions.
    3. There are no recipes for Notiz 24 temporary items .
  • Mark an item as finished

    Only items of the current day can be marked as Done after editing.

    1. Click or tap on the icon Messer 24 Production status of the desired item.
    2. Ein Eingabefenster öffnet sich. Die Planmenge ist mit dem Wert vorbelegt, der bei Übernahme des Artikels eingegeben wurde.
    3. Change the actual quantityif the full quantity was not actually produced.
    4. Enter any comment and then tap on Done.
    5. Der Artikel ist jetzt im Messer 24 Produktionsplan und im Reiter Messer gelb 24 Produktionsstatus markiert als Messer blau 24 Fertig (blau).
  • Take over a pre-production item for processing

    The required quantity of items from uhr 24 Pre-production is totalled from all ordered production items for the period. Follow the same steps as described above for production items .

    1. Take over an item for editing
    2. Display the recipe for the item
    3. Mark an item as finished
  • Pick an item in the production plan

    Each finished item can be picked individually via the Messer 24 production plan .

    1. Click or tap on Go to 24 to open the information on the events and orders for which the item was produced on the far right in the row of a finished item. Only this item and the orders for it are then shown in the production plan.
    2. Gehen Sie zur gewünschten Bestellung 24 alt Bestellung und tippen Sie auf Lagerartikel 24 alt Kommissionieren.
    3. Der Artikel ist jetzt check 24 alt kommissioniert.
    4. As soon as the item is fully picked (the picked quantity is equal to the order quantity), it is crossed out on the item list and the blue arrow for opening the orders is underlined in green. Fully picked items also slide to the end of the list.
      An item that is only partially picked has a red underlined arrow.
      Example: Potato cooked (1 kg) Go to fertig 24
      Borscht (7 litres) Comm. done: 5 Comm. open: 2 Go to aktiv 24 
  • Print item labels and box labels

    Labels for individual items or transport boxes can be printed via the production plan or the list of orders.

    1. Gehen Sie zu Messer 24 Produktionsplan > ArtikelGo to 24 Bestellung und klicken Sie zum Drucken auf
      1.  Artikeletiketten Item labels for the one item or
      2.  Etiketten 24 alt Box labels for the one item.
    2. Alternatively, go to the tab Bestellung 24 alt Order and tap on Etiketten 24 altBox labels for the entire order. When all items have been fully picked, click on the button Print all item labels at the top of the list.
  • Cancel a commission

    Incorrect picks can also be cancelled.

    1. Gehen Sie zu Messer 24 ProduktionsplanBestellung 24 alt Bestellungen und öffnen Sie die Bestellung mit Tip auf Go to fertig 24.
    2. A list of all the items belonging to this order will open.
    3. Tap Details 24 alt Picking info and Abbrechen 24 alt Cancel.
  • View all orders

    On the tab Bestellung 24 alt Orders all orders in the selected period are displayed. Tap Go to 24 on the far right of the window to open a list of all items that belong to a selected order. The order of the orders is chronological.

    1. Sortieren Sie nach:
      1. Datum aufsteigend (nur für mehrere Tage)
      2. Datum absteigend (nur für mehrere Tage)
      3. Ab Küche aufsteigend (nur für einen Tag)
      4. From kitchen descending (only for one day)
      5. Everything picked
      6. Nothing picked
      7. Commissioning in progress
    2. Tip on Datenblatt 24 alt VA Details to open a data sheet with all the important information.
  • Pick the items per order in the order Summary

    If all items belonging to one order are to be picked together, go to the tab Bestellung 24 alt Order

    1. Click or tap on Go to fertig 24 to open all items that belong to an order.
    2. Gehen Sie zum gewünschten Artikel und tippen Sie auf Lagerartikel 24 alt Kommissionieren.
    3. Der Artikel hat jetzt den Status check 24 altKommissioniert.
    4. Sobald die Bestellung vollständig kommissioniert ist (die kommissionierte Menge ist gleich der Bestellmenge), ist sie auf der Bestellistedurchgestrichen und der blaue Pfeil zum Öffnen der Artikel ist grün unterstrichen. Vollständig kommissionierte Bestellungen rutschen ausserdem an das Ende der Liste.
      Eine nur teilweise kommissionierte Bestellung hat einen rot unterstrichenen Pfeil.
      Ex:  Böhm, Klaus 7.5.2021 11:30 Go to aktiv 24 
      Bosse, Antje 5.5.2021 9:30 Go to fertig 24
  • Print a delivery note

    Fully picked orders appear in the list of orders as Go to fertig 24 Picked. Only when all items of an order have been completely picked can a delivery note be printed.

    1. Go to the tab Bestellung 24 alt Orders to the desired order and Go to fertig 24 open the list of items.
    2. Tippen Sie auf Drucken 24 alt DruckenVeranstaltung 24 alt VA Lieferschein oder Vorgaenge 24 alt VG Lieferschein.
    3. Der Lieferschein enthält einen QR-Code mit der Nummer der Bestellung, über den der Fahrer sich den Empfang bestätigen lassen kann.
  • View all the ingredients you need

    On the tab Artikel Komponent 24 alt Ingredients all ingredient items are displayed with the required quantities for the selected period. Temporary items whose ingredients are not known are listed as ingredients themselves.

    1. Filter the ingredients by item group, supplier or item.
    2. Tap on the item to call up the production item for which the ingredients are needed.
  • View the current production status

    The tab Messer gelb 24 Production status shows all items that are either Messer gelb 24 In Arbeit or have been marked as Messer blau 24 Fertig on the current day.

    1. Click on an item In progress, to change the status to Ready .
    2. The planned quantity is pre-assigned with the value that was entered when the item was accepted.
    3. Change the actual quantityif the full quantity was not actually produced.
  • Driver: Get a receipt of delivery

    A QR code is also included on the delivery note, which contains all the items ordered and the delivery address.

    1. At the delivery point, scan the QR code on the delivery note with your smartphone.
    2. Es öffnet sich eine Webseite, in der der Veranstalter, die Lieferadresse und die aktuelle Uhrzeit vorbelegt sind.
    3. Select your name from the drop-down list of drivers.
    4. If applicable, enter date and time for the collection of equipment.
    5. Have the recipient sign on the smartphone.
    6. Tap Sendto have the delivery confirmed.
    7. Once the delivery has been saved, the signature, time of scan and time of save are saved in the linked segment and are available for further planning (next delivery, return).