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Individual invoices can be selected and exported to the financial accounting system.

  1. Close all events whose invoices you want to export.
  2. Go to the Buchhaltung  Accounting tab in the function bar and click on  FibuExport FA Export.
  3. Es öffnet sich eine Liste der bereits exportierten Fibu-Pakete. Wählen Sie ggf. den Betrieb aus, für den Sie den FiBu-Export vornehmen möchten.
  4. In the top line, click on the button Export free selection.
  5. This opens a list of all invoices that have not yet been exported and that correspond to the administrative settings for the financial accounting export. Invoices on account must be exported before or at the latest together with their final invoices.
  6. Select the invoices by holding down the Ctrl key and left-clicking and ok Apply your selection.