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The booking suggestions from Adresse addressesartikel items or raeume rooms, which are not directly taken into account when creating a new event or segment, can be temporarily deferred and booked later as long as the data record remains open. However, all suggestions are rejected at the latest by exiting the data record.

  1. Schließen Sie das kleine Fenster mit den Vorschlägen mit Klick auf Speichern_Schliessen.png Schließen oben rechts. Die Vorschläge bleiben erhalten, werden aber nicht direkt in einen Vorgang eingefügt.
  2. A new icon appears in the horizontal toolbar of the event star Show recommended items.
  3. Click on star Show recommended itemsto access the suggested items at a later date.
  4. To keep the suggestions in the list for later use even after a booking has been made, select okexpand Marked items buchen (Continue showing recommended items).
  5. Booking proposals are automatically rejected if they are not booked before the data record is closed.