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New items can be added to the open quote without being included in the database as master items. Only use temporary items in exceptional cases if the item is not sold more frequently. A later evaluation (statistics) of temporary items is very inaccurate.

  1. To spontaneously add a new item to the quote, click on the dropdown triangle next to neuexpand Add > artikel gruppe  Item groups.
  2. Double-click to select an item group or subgroup.
    Note: Item groups that are used for structuring cannot be inserted.
  3. Im Angebot erscheint eine neue Zeile mit einem leeren Namensfeld. Geben Sie den Namen des Artikels ein.
  4. To save the new item only temporarily for a specific offer, select Only as a temporary item (do not create a new item). The temporary item is then only available for the open offer.
  5. Enter a quantity in the column No. and a price.
  6. save Save your input by clicking on the icon in the top left-hand corner of the input window.