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If you want to create your own quotes or orders for individual event parts, you can create them directly from the schedule.

  1. Right click or double left click on Verknuepfen to open a neu New quote or a neu New order.
    Note: Once orders have been created, no new quotes can be created in the process.
  2. Enter the name of the new operation . The operation name is pre-populated with the description of the flow point.
  3. Confirm with OKto open the new segment and book items.
    Note: If you change the time and the number of persons in the Angebot base of the operation, this is automatically taken over in the linked flow point and vice versa.
  4. Speichern Save your input by clicking on the icon in the top left-hand corner of the input window.
  5. The symbol in the Verknuepfen process changes to Angebot or Bestellung .

    General note: The time of process points can be outside the regular event time (e.g. for set-up or dismantling, delivery, etc.). However, this does not apply to individual operation times; these must always be within the event time. It is only possible to link a schedule and an operation if the schedule point is within the event time.