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Sometimes table assignments have to be taken back and changed in order to achieve an optimal occupancy of the restaurant. This can be done via the reservation Summary or the individual reservation.

  1. In the List list view of the reservation overview, you can release the  TR Tisch Freigeben  table by right-clicking on a reservation.
  2. In the graphical tischplan Table plan of individual rooms, you can also right-click on the table to release the TR Tisch Freigeben table.
  3. Um die Reservierung mit Drag-and-Drop auf einen anderen Tisch zu ziehen, aktivieren Sie oben rechts im Eingabefenster nur lesen Symbole, Gaesteliste Reservierungen und tisch Inklusive zugewiesene Tische.
  4. Left-click on TR Gast and drag the reservation to another table by holding down the Alt key and the left mouse button.
  5. In the cal view timeline2 timeline view , simply drag the desired reservation to another table by holding down the left mouse button.
  6. In the open individual tisch Reservation , select an assigned table by clicking on delete Remove in the toolbar of the "Reserved tables" window and assign another table by double-clicking in the side list of free tables.