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If a specific table has not yet been booked at the time of the original reservation, it can be assigned later.

Only on the tab  All rooms do reservations without room allocation appear in the  list view. Reservations with a room but without a table also appear on the lists of individual rooms.

  1. Open a reservation via the list and double-click to select a table of suitable size from the list of free tables on the side.
  2. If necessary, select several tables by left-clicking and holding down the Ctrl key, and drag them into the input field Reserved tablesby holding down the left mouse button.

Im tischplan Tischplan erscheinen die nicht zugewiesenen Reservierungen in einer eigenen Spalte am rechten Bildrand, wenn oben rechts Gaesteliste Reservierungen gewählt ist.

  1. Mark one or more free tables by left-clicking (holding down the Shift key for multiple selection).
  2. Then right-click to open the context menu and select Gaesteliste Assign Guest.
  3. Es erscheint eine Liste aller Reservierungen, die noch keinen Tisch zugewiesen hat.
  4. Select the desired reservation with a single click.

In der  Zeitstrahlansicht erscheinen ebenfalls die nicht zugewiesenen Reservierungen in einer eigenen Spalte am rechten Bildrand, wenn oben rechts Gaesteliste Reservierungen gewählt ist.

  1. Mark a reservation with a left click and drag the reservation to a free table while holding down the left mouse button. 
  2. It is not possible to assign several tables at the same time in the timeline view.