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 Supplier items can also be created without a link to a master item. These items can later be linked to master items via artikel itemArtikelAdressen supplier itemVerknuepfen link .

  1. Open the supplier Adresse  account .
  2. Go to the  einkauf Purchases tab in the side navigation and click on artikel Range  for a list of existing supplier items.
    Note: At least one supplier item must first be created for this address via a master item so that the tab einkauf Purchasing appears in the page navigation. (Create a new supplier item in the sales item)
  3. Click on neu Newexpand > neu New without master item in the horizontal toolbar of the tab to open the input window for a new supplier item directly.
  4. Be sure to enter at least one name and price so that the item appears later in the shopping overview.
  5. The new ArtikelAdressen Supplier item is activated by default for einkauf Purchasing . Deactivate by clicking on the button if necessary.
  6. Speichern Save your input by clicking on the icon in the top left-hand corner of the input window.