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For business addresses, there are typically one or more contact persons with whom you are in touch for various reasons. Enter multiple contact persons responsible for orders, deliveries or invoices to make sure you address correspondence selectively.

  1. Stay on the Adresse General tab in the side navigation.
  2. Go to the Ansprechpartner Contacts list in the bottom half of the input window and click on new Add.
  3. Alternatively, go to the Ansprechpartner  Contacts tab in the side navigation and click onnew  Add.
  4. Enter the title, name, telephone extensions or personal email addresses and the position of the contact person in the list to direct inquiries to the right person.
    Enter "Diverse" in the "Title" field to use only first and last names in the address of a letter/email. The automatically generated, gender-neutral letter salutation is then rendered as "Hello first name last name".
  5. In the list view on the Adresse General tab, you have options to add new contact persons From template, which effectively means copying an already existing contact person, or adding a contact from an Exchange directory.
  6. Tick the box in the second column to select a contact person as your Primary contact for that account. You can only define one primary contact.
  7. Speichern Save your input by clicking on the icon in the top left-hand corner of the input window (Crtl+S). The new contact person is now available in the picklist when you create data records for this account.