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  1. Check in the full client at Administration > Settings > Licences > Standard scenarios, whether the option WebApp Standard Intranet V2 is already available. If the Standard Intranet V2 is not yet offered, update your Bp Event Server.
  2. Aktivieren Sie WebApp Standard Intranet V2 mit Häkchen und speichern Sie.
  3. Go to  Licences > Actions and select Load Bp Scenarios Now > Load without forcing.
  4. Wait until a dialogue window opens confirming the complete import of the scenarios "WebAppStandardIntranetV2". This may take a few minutes.
    Das Szenario "WebApp_Standard_AdressCtrl" wird zusammen mit der Intranet WebApp geliefert.
  5. After importing the sceneries, close the window  General settingsonce and open it again.
  6. Die Ordnerstrukturen unter "..Bp Event> Server > Data > Web Folder" wird automatisch um die Ordner "WebApp_Intranet_V2", "WebApp_Standard_AdressCtrl" und "WebApp_V2" ergänzt.
  7. If the scenario is not imported correctly, restart the Bp Event Server and the Service Client. If the import does not take place automatically, the scenario must be imported manually. Create an error message and contact the WebApp team for advice.