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Icon Zeitplanung


Perfekte Zeitplanung ist das A und O der Veranstaltungsorganisation. Alle Informationen, egal wann, wo und von wem sie aufgenommen wurden, müssen im wesentlichen Moment verfügbar sein. Mitarbeiter, Material, Unterlagen zur richtigen Zeit am richtigen Ort - anders geht es nicht. Deshalb führt das Info Center des Bp Event alle wichtigen Details einer Veranstaltung, eines Tages oder einer Benutzergruppe übersichtlich sortiert und abrufbar zusammen. Die Basisversion der Anwendung bietet die unverzichtbaren Elemente Kalender, Wiedervorlage und Raumübersicht, kann aber mit Modulen wie Termine*, Ereigniskalender* oder Dienstplaner* in ihrer Funktionalität noch deutlich erweitert werden.

Scope of services:

Refreshing calendar
The Info Centre with its calendar function not only shows all important information, but new dates can also be created. Different calendar displays (views) can be set depending on the task area or specific request. For a better overview, each user can display only their relevant data sources and use customised lists and filters to display the information more clearly and in greater detail. For example, the colour-coded display of events on option provides information on the immediate need for action.

The reminder reminds you every day of the work to be done and can be customised. Only display the information in the resubmission that is important to you. The resubmission is sorted chronologically, with one column per data source. Filters and a coloured design can also be used here to highlight important to-dos.

Room occupancy provides a quick overview of available and booked rooms. Restrict your search to a fixed date, a certain period or a specific day of the week. Filter the rooms displayed by type, booking status or size. If you often need to set the same filters to search for specific rooms or times, save these settings as the default.

Every company, individual business, department or employee requires certain information or data such as company guidelines, address lists, statistics, documents, images or templates for their daily work, regardless of a specific customer or order. In the function Verzeichnis Directories on the tab Basis Basis , files of all formats are stored in a structured manner and made accessible to every Bp Event user. Each company and each user has the option of creating their own favourite directories for their respective needs.

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Expandable by:

Display appointments (meetings, telephone appointments, on-site arrangements) in the Info Centre. Create a new appointment directly from the Info Centre.

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Holiday/Special EventM
The event calendar supplements the information in the calendar with individual entries such as holidays, public holidays, trade fairs, etc.

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Module in direkter Verbindung zum Info Center:

Shift and Staff PlanningM and Online Shift Planning WebAppM
Display services or create a new service directly from the Info Centre.

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